Hoya pachylclada 'New Moon'

Hoya Pachylclada 'New Moon'

Hoya pachylclada 'New Moon' is a variegated variety of Hoya pachyclada. Also known as Hoya pachylclada 'New Moon' (Albomarginata), this hoya features thick, semi succulent leaves with a cream colored irregular border along the sides of the leaves. When sun stressed, the leaves develop pink to red coloration in the variegated margins.


Hoya pachylclada 'New Moon', along with all variants of Hoya pachyclada, are noted for their intensely scented flowers. These flowers grow on spurs in clusters, and are cream in color with pale yellow centers. The scent is in betwene cinnamon and floral, and increases in intensity during the nighttime. These flowers also drip nectar, attracting pollinating insects.


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Hoya subquintuplinervis new moon (former H. pachyclada)Hoya subquintuplinervis new moon (former H. pachyclada)


Scientific name: Hoya pachylclada 'variegated

Common names: New Moon

Origin: Southeast Asia, Thailand

Flower colour: Cream flowers with pink centers. 

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya pachylclada 'New Moon'

Given a few hours of direct sunlight, semi-arid conditions and well draining, organic soil mix, Hoya pachylclada 'New Moon' can grow well.


  • Few hours of direct sun
  • Temperatures exceeding 70-80°F
  • Humidity range 60-80%
  • Well draining soil
  • Fertilization with a liquid organic fertilizer every month

Hoya pachylclada 'New Moon' Detail

Light Requirements:

  • Hoya pachylclada 'New Moon' typically prefers a few hours of direct morning or evening sun. Even though they can endure it, these lighting conditions don't encourage bloom.
  • For better growth, place the plant where the foliage won't be directly exposed to the sun. They must be shielded from the scorching afternoon sun.
  • To give the plant the light it requires, place it in an east or west-facing window.
  • Many plant lovers prefer to place their plants near windows rather than right next to them.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Hoya pachylclada 'New Moon' prefers temperatures between 70 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (21 and 26 degrees Celsius), but can tolerate temperatures up to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 degrees Celsius).
  • Keep in mind, however, that frost will kill these plants. Thus, if you live in a place where winters are particularly chilly, you should bring the plant inside. During the warm summer months, you can place the plant outside.
  • In cold conditions, plant growth slows and stops altogether. The situation becomes more dire as the temperature drops below freezing.
  • Heat pads, frost blankets, and insulating plastics can be used to keep the cold out when the temperature goes haywire in the winter.
  • Don't put the plant near any draughty windows or vents in the winter.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Hoya pachylclada 'New Moon' is most likely to flower in humid conditions that average between 60 and 75 percent.
  • When humidity drops below 30%, however, it's time to start worrying about your plant's well-being.
  • The plant's growth will be slowed, and it may even stop, due to the low humidity conditions invited by winter months and drier summer days.
  • A hygrometer is an inexpensive tool for measuring relative humidity. In the event that the humidity is too low, a humidifier can be purchased to increase or sustain the desired level.
  • In contrast, a pebble tray can be placed near the plant and serves the same purpose for much less money.
  •  Spray the plant down with water from a bottle a few times a week.

Watering Requirements:

  • Hoya pachylclada 'New Moon' is a succulent, so it requires little water to survive. These plants can endure prolonged dry spells because of the moisture that their leaves retain.
  • However, this does not imply that you should completely stop watering your plants. It would generally be best to water Hoya pachylclada 'New Moon' every 7 to 10 days, and to stop during the winter.
  • It can be challenging to take care of this plant because it thrives in moist soil in the summer but can succumb quickly to the effects of overwatering.
  • If your plant is not fully established, you may need to water it more.

Soil Requirements:

  • There is still a chance of stressing out your plant even if you give it everything it needs if you don't grow it in good soil.
  • Hoya pachylclada 'New Moon' thrives in loamy, sandy, or loamy loam that retains some moisture but allows water to drain away.
  • They flourish in soils with a pH between 6.1 and 7.5.
  • You can make your own potting mix at home that will address the plants needs
  • Coco coir and compost added to regular potting soil.
  • Half peat moss, a half perlite, a tenth pine bark.
  • Add 1 part perlite to 2 parts potting soil.
  • It's also possible to use a commercial soil mixture.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Natural manure is the most beneficial fertiliser for this plant. Because of their slow release mechanism, these fertilisers prove to be effective.
  • Fertilize your Hoya pachylclada 'New Moon' every two weeks during the growing season, but stop fertilising altogether during the winter.
  • Only in the spring and summer, when the plant has time to recover from the stress of fertilizers, is it safe to fertilise these plants.
  • A fertiliser with an NPK ratio of 5-10-5 will stimulate flowering and leaf growth in your plant. Fertilizer with a high phosphorus content but low nitrogen levels is required.


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