Epipremnum pinnatum mint

Epipremnum pinnatum mint

Epipremnum pinnatum, also known as dragon-tail plant, silver vine, and centipede tongavine, is a tropical vine often grown as a house plant. This plant is sometimes confused with a similar plant in the same family, Epipremnum aureum, also known as pothos, money plant, or devil's ivy. Both plants have shiny green leaves and grow vigorously.

Epipremnum pinnatum mint has large, glossy, heart-shaped, dark green leaves with speckles and variegation of lighter green. Some cultivars have narrow, smooth-edged leaves, while some have wide, deeply serrated edges. In larger varieties, the leaves may grow up to 3 feet long, and the plant can grow up to 60 feet tall outdoors. But most cultivars chosen for house plants have vines that grow up to 6 feet long and make excellent plants for hanging baskets. Since some epipremnum plants are toxic to dogs and cats, it is best to take precautions if you have pets and avoid having them ingest any part of this plant.


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Common Name: Dragon-tail plant, centipede tongavine, silver vine
Botanical Name: Epipremnum pinnatum mint
Family: Araceae
Plant Type: Tropical vine
Mature Size: Up to 60 feet tall
Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect sunlight
Soil Type: Rich, well-drained
Native Areas: Asia, Australia
Toxicity: May be toxic to dogs and cats

Caring For

Epipremnum pinnatum mint

Caring for these plants is generally straightforward, and they actually thrive with minimal intervention. Excessive care, such as overfertilizing or overwatering, can lead to issues like leaf discoloration and root rot.


Epipremnum pinnatum mint, a tropical plant, flourishes under specific conditions: it prefers bright, indirect sunlight, which is crucial for its growth. The soil should be rich and well-draining, and it's important to use a container with adequate drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Watering should be moderate – the plant requires water once the surface of the soil dries out, but be cautious not to overwater. Additionally, applying some liquid fertilizer during spring can be beneficial for its health and growth.

Epipremnum pinnatum Mint Care Detail

Light Requirements:

The Epipremnum pinnatum thrives in both partial shade and partial sun, with the ideal lighting being bright, indirect sunlight. A good practice is to position the plant near a window that receives ample sunlight, but not directly in its path. Varieties with variegated leaves might require more light, indicated by the leaves reaching towards brighter areas. Direct, intense sunlight should be avoided as it can dry out or scorch the leaves.

Temperature and Humidity Requirements:

An ideal temperature range for the Epipremnum pinnatum is between 65-75°F. If placed outdoors in summer, a partially shaded spot is best to avoid overheating. As a tropical vine, it tolerates high humidity well. In dry winter conditions, placing a dish filled with pebbles and water nearby can help maintain adequate humidity levels around the plant.

Watering Requirements:

Watering once a week generally suffices for the Epipremnum pinnatum. Ensure the soil surface is dry to the touch before watering again. Use lukewarm water, moistening the top soil layer until it feels slightly damp. In winter, when the plant's growth slows down, reduce the watering frequency.

Soil Requirements:

The Epipremnum pinnatum favors a rich, slightly acidic soil, mirroring its natural habitat. Incorporating organic matter into regular potting mix enhances its suitability, alongside ensuring excellent drainage. Neither sandy nor clay soils are suitable for this plant. Also, containers with drainage holes are vital to prevent waterlogging.

Fertilizing Requirements:

The Epipremnum pinnatum doesn’t demand much in terms of fertilization. Using a basic liquid water-soluble fertilizer, diluted to half strength, is sufficient during its active growth period. Fertilize every two weeks from March to August, and reduce this to once a month during the winter months.


Some questions pertaining to Epipremnum pinnatum mint