Hoya australis 'Lisa'

Hoya Australis Ssp. Tenuipes 'Lisa'

The Hoya australis ssp. tenuipes 'Lisa' plant, which was found on Australia's northeast coast in the 1700s, is the ancestor of Hoya australis 'Lisa. In its native environment, a rocky, tropical landscape, this Hoya climbs trees using vines. Additionally, it has been known to reach lengths of up to 10 feet. However, this plant will grow closer to 3 feet long when grown inside.

The Hoya australis 'Lisa' is a rather unusual plant that displays stunning hues of lime green, dark green, creamy yellow, ruby red, and soft peach. Although the varied hues are wonderful, the ease of maintenance is what sets this plant apart. Additionally, under the correct circumstances, this vining plant can produce stunning, aromatic clusters of white 'flowers'. This indoor plant provides a natural, watercolour-like item in your room that is truly a work of nature's art.


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Species: Hoya australis ssp. tenuipes 'Lisa' 

Common names: Hoya Lisa, Variegated Hoya Australis, Wax Plant Lisa and Porcelain Flower 

Origin: An Australian descendent (plant parent is Hoya australis ssp. tenuipes)

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae

Kingdom: Plantae

Type: Flowering vine

Common name: Hoya Lisa

Caring for the

Hoya australis ssp. tenuipes 'Lisa'

Although this Hoya is a relatively simple, low-maintenance plant, it does have some requirements. resembling the Hoya australis in several ways For years to come, your plant will grow in Lisa's natural surroundings (we say somewhat because you don't need to harm your home with very high humidity and whatnot!). The plant will be content as long as the temperature maintains between 60 and 80 °F, provided that there is sufficient sunlight, water, and humidity. White, star-shaped clusters with a sweet vanilla and chocolate scent can bloom when the plant is particularly content and healthy. A delight and amazing sight!


  • Low maintenance
  • Occasional watering 
  • 60-70% temperature range
  • Moderate to high humidity
  • Indirect sunlight with a few hours of direct sun

Hoya australis ssp. tenuipes 'Lisa' Care Detail

Light Requirements:

  • Regarding lighting, Lisa prefers direct, bright light. The variegation on Lisa needs a little bit more light than some other Hoyas, which can handle significantly lower light levels.
  • If the sunlight is moderate in the morning, it can tolerate a small amount of direct exposure, but too much direct afternoon sun will harm the plant. The foliage will be burned. Think dappled sunlight, bright indirect shade, or bright brightness.
  • You might also install a grow lamp to provide Lisa with additional light. They are especially beneficial in the fall and winter.

Temperature Requirements:

  • For optimal growth, keep the temperature between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Hoya australis Lisa can tolerate temperatures between 55 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the winter, though.
  • But keep in mind that it shouldn't become colder than 50° F.
  • Maintaining a steady warm temperature for hoya is essential. They have trouble adjusting to a given environment because of the temperature changes.
  • Keep your Hoya australis away from extreme temperatures. Hoya leaves will yellow, droop, wilt, curl, and brown as a result of the intense heat. It can also cause leaves to lose a lot of moisture through transpiration.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Keeping the humidity level over 70% is optimum for Hoya australis 'Lisa'. Additionally, they can endure interior humidity levels between 40 and 60 percent.
  • Low humidity, however, results in leaf yellowing, drooping, falling, and curling.
  • Mist the leaves the leaves every three to four days and put your indoor plants close to each other. Natural precipitation aids in raising the humidity.
  • Pebble trays can also help with humidity levels.  Alternatively, you can artificially raise humidity by using an electric humidifier. You can also put your plant in a humid location, such as the kitchen or bathroom.

Watering Requirements:

  • Because of the way their large leaves retain water, Hoyas do not need excess moisture and develop root rot when overwatered. 
  • Maintain the soil as much as possible, and make sure the top 25–30% of the soil has dried out before watering. The next crucial step is to always give them a good soak in water.
  • Water your Hoya Lisa once every 8 to 10 days in the summer. In the winter, reduce the rate to half because the soil takes longer to dry up.

Soil Requirements:

  • Hoyas prefer soil that is permeable and well-draining. Hoya australis ssp. tenuipes 'Lisa' also prefers a soil pH range of 6.1 to 7.5, which is moderately acidic to neutral.

  • Given that the demands of the two plant groups are so similar, if you can find a cactus soil mix, it would be good soil for Hoya australis ssp. tenuipes 'Lisa'.

  • Hoya australis ssp. tenuipes 'Lisa' cannot be grown in plain potting soil since the roots will not receive adequate oxygen.

  • Instead, create an excellent, loose soil mixture by combining 1 part potting soil and 1 part peat moss with 2 parts perlite.

Fertilizing Requirements:

Hoya australis ssp. tenuipes 'Lisa' does need extra support during the growing season. The typical 10-10-10 fertiliser ratio, which most indoor houseplant fertilisers have, is ideal. 

During the growing season, you can use a liquid fertiliser solution, every two to three weeks by diluting it to half strength. Use none during the plant's winter dormant season.

You won't need to fertilise at all if you pot your Hoya australis Lisa using well-rotted compost rather than potting soil. Additionally, you can amend the soil with slow-release fertiliser granules in the spring before planting.

Pruning Requirements:

  • Hoya australis ssp. tenuipes 'Lisa' does need some pruning during the summer season, when it is actively growing.  
  • Whenever you find any dead or damaged leaves during the year, you may cut them off.
  • In addition, you should remove stems with fewer leaves and prune any stems that detract from the vine's aesthetic appeal. To promote bushier growth, cut just above a leaf node.
  • Even though you can remove wilted flowers, you should leave the spurs alone since fresh flowers will eventually grow on them.
  • Use a sharp, clean knife or pair of scissors to cut the Hoya australis ssp. tenuipes 'Lisa'.


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