Hanging Hoyas


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186 products

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Hanging Hoyas

Hanging Hoyas are a variety of Hoya plant that are typically grown in hanging baskets or elevated planters. These plants are native to tropical regions of Asia and Australia and are also known as Wax Plants due to their waxy foliage and flowers.

Hanging Hoyas typically have long, flexible stems that trail downward from their hanging baskets or planters.

Hanging Hoyas prefer bright, indirect light and well-draining soil, and can be propagated through stem cuttings. They are relatively low-maintenance and can be grown in a range of indoor or outdoor settings.

One of the benefits of growing Hanging Hoyas is their unique and attractive appearance. As they trail downward from their hanging baskets or planters, they can add a lush and natural element to any indoor or outdoor space. They are also a great option for those with limited floor space or who want to add some greenery to their home without taking up valuable counter or table space.

Hanging Hoyas are a popular choice for those looking to add some variety to their plant collection, and their unique growth habit and attractive flowers make them a standout addition to any indoor or outdoor garden.