Hoya burtoniae

Hoya Burtoniae

Native to the Philippines, the Hoya burtoniae is an evergreen vine with velvety, almond-shaped leaves. Hoya sp. aff. burtoniae, which stands for Hoya species. affinis. burtoniae, is the name of this plant. The centres of Hoya burtoniae flowers are always yellow, though the petals can also be dark pink or even crimson.

The inflorescence consists of a number of dangling or more upright flowers arranged in an umbel. The flowers have a pink and yellow core with red petals. They appear to be composed of wax and are born in clusters with a star-like shape. The surface of the flower has a fuzzy appearance due to the microscopic hairs that cover it. They may produce extra nectar that drops from the petals and have strong scents.

Like other Hoya species, spurs produce flowers. These emerge from the axils of the leaves and stem; they may not bear flowers at first, but eventually buds will appear from the tips of the spurs. These same spurs generate new flowers every season, therefore they shouldn't be harmed or taken away.


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Common Name: Hoya burtoniae

Scientific Name: Hoya sp aff. burtoniae

Origin: Philippines

Family: Apocynaceae

Genus: Hoya

Plant type: Vining epiphyte

Flower: Dark pink to reddish flowers with a yellow center

Foliage: Olive green leaves with fuzzy pubescence. 

Height: Can reach anywhere between 4 to 6 feet

Caring for the

Hoya burtoniae

Even though it is a rare hoya, the Hoya burtoniae is not a demanding plant. It thrives happily in bright indirect light with little watering. Thick succulent leaves mean that this hoya does not need much watering; signs of over or underwatering appear quickly in the leaves due to their ability to store water.


  • Temperature between 60 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Indirect bright light
  • Well-draining soil with pH between 6.1 and 7.3
  • Humidity levels between 50 to 70%

Hoya burtoniae Detail

Light Requirements:

  • Hoya burtoniae can thrive next to windows when grown indoors, but it needs bright indirect sunshine for six hours each day.
  • The east-facing window will be the ideal location to store this plant, as Hoya burtoniae appreciates the soft morning sunlight.
  • It can also get afternoon sunshine for two hours if placed beneath a window with a western orientation.
  • You must realise that the plant is little sun-stressed when the leaves begin to turn reddish. However, this leaf condition is popular with people. Therefore, it is risky to leave the plant unattended under a south-facing window for an extended period of time.
  • Additionally, if the plant is placed too close to a south or west-facing window, it may grow twig-like and may even extend or break.
  • For the best growth potential, keep your Hoya no closer than three feet from a south-facing window.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Being a tropical plant, the Hoya burtoniae prefers moderate to warm conditions. The best range of temperatures for your brilliant Hoya's healthy survival and growth is between 60 F and 95 F.
  • Your Hoya burtoniae will grow more slowly if, for any reason, the temperature in the area falls below or rises above the optimal range. 
  • Like other hoyas, this plant is also very susceptible to frost and cold temperatures. Try to keep your plant away from cold drafts an flower temperature during the winter months.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Relative humidity levels between 50 and 70 percent are ideal for Hoya burtoniae growth. The Hoya burtoniae will thrive even more if you raise the humidity levels over this range.
  • Your Hoya plant can endure low levels of humidity because to its succulent leaves. This means that while you can keep your home's humidity levels above 40%, the plant can still thrive there.
  • Check your plant frequently for browning leaves or crispy tips if the humidity falls below 30%.
  • Place your Hoya plant in a corner with other humidifying plants, use a pebble tray and mist regularly to maintain optimal humidity levels. 
  • You can use a humidifier to maintain constant humidity levels.

Watering Requirements:

  • Due to its semi-succulent leaves, the Hoya burtoniae is less susceptible to situations where it is slightly dehydrated. Just a little water is sufficient for this plant; excessive watering will harm it.
  • In the summer, you might want to water this plant once per week, and then roughly once every three weeks in the winter. 
  • To avoid watering the leaves and creating leaf rot, make sure to water your plant either straight onto the soil or from underneath the pot.
  • Always wait until the earth has dried out before watering a plant again. Don't let it go completely dry though; doing so could eventually stunt the growth of your plant. 
  • Be careful not to overwater this plant as it is extremely sensitive to overwatering; it can cause root rot.

Soil Requirements:

  • Employ a well-draining potting mix if you are growing Hoya burtoniae in a pot. Please take note that the potting soil shouldn't drain too quickly to the point where your plant won't get the moisture it needs after watering.
  • There are various techniques you may use to make your own well-draining potting mix in the comfort of your own home. Potting soil, coco coir, and perlite can be combined in the same proportions as potting mix, orchid mix, and perlite.
  • Another choice is to combine the orchid bark and potting soil in a 1:1 ratio. Additionally, you can combine two parts peat moss and one part perlite. 
  • You can also incorporate charcoal, pumice, vermiculite, fir bark, and charcoal into any of the techniques we discussed in this section.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • The Hoya burtoniae needs fertiliser, which should be used infrequently, to provide nutritious additions.
  • Make sure to dilute general-purpose fertiliser to half strength if you use it to aid in your plant's growth. For Hoya burtoniae, light indoor plants and organic fertilisers are strongly advised.
  • Once per month of fertiliser with a high nitrogen content will be sufficient to feed Hoya burtoniae.
  • Change to a diet with a 5:10:3 containing high phosphorus if the plant is blossoming. It will enable a plant to completely bloom.


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