Hoya caudata sumatra

Hoya Caudata 'Sumatra'

Hoya caudata 'Sumatra' is a species of plant in the family Apocynaceae, native to Sumatra, an island in Indonesia. It is a climbing vine that can grow to be several meters long. The plant is relatively easy to care for and is suitable for growing in a wide range of indoor environments. It prefers bright, indirect light and well-draining soil. It is important to water the plant regularly, but allowing the soil to dry out slightly between waterings can help prevent overwatering. Hoya caudata 'Sumatra' is a popular choice among plant enthusiasts due to its attractive flowers and easy care requirements.

This hoya is sought after for its stunning variegated foliage, featuring dark to grey green leaves with silver and reddish speckles. The leaves are obovate, slightly hairy and have irregular, rippled edges. The leaves emerge a standard green, but darken to a moody dark to grey green when mature. The plant produces clusters of small, unusually hairy, star-shaped flowers that are typically white pink in color and have a sweet, fragrant scent. The flowers are typically about 1-2 cm in diameter and are produced on long, slender peduncles.


Scientific name: Hoya caudata 'Sumatra'

Common names: Wax plant, porcelain flower, waxvine

Origin: Island of Sumatra, Philippines

Flower colour: White pink

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae 

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Epiphytic Flowering vine

Caring for the

Hoya caudata 'Sumatra'

Being native to the tropical climes of South and South-East Asia, all hoyas thrive in tropical conditions. Indirect filtered light and mildly acidic, well-draining soil are required for this plant's happiness and health. This tropical plant needs a wider range of temperatures, from 60 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit, as well as a humidity level of 60 to 80 percent.


  • Low maintenance
  • Temperature range of 60-95 F
  • Humiidty range of 60-80%
  • Indirect sunlight
  • Well draining, loose  and slightly acidic soil

Hoya caudata 'Sumatra' Detail

Light Requirements:

  • This type enjoys filtered, indirect light just like other hoya kinds do. Sunlight that is direct and intense can stunt growth, leaving the plant limp and withered.
  •  Short-term exposure to direct heat is tolerated by the plant, but prolonged exposure can lead to scorched leaves.
  • The plant should be placed in partial shade, away from direct sunlight, in the optimum situation. By covering it with a garden cloth or sheet to produce diffused light, you might opt to build a greenhouse.
  •  Place the plant next to windows that face south or north while using UV protection sheets or drapes as light filters if you're growing the plant indoors.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Hoya caudata 'Sumatra' prefers warm and humid conditions, similar to its native tropical environment. 
  • It is best to keep the plant in a location with temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (18-29 degrees Celsius). It is important to avoid exposing the plant to temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius), as this can cause damage to the leaves and flowers.
  • It is also important to keep in mind that Hoya caudata 'Sumatra' is sensitive to drafts and sudden temperature changes. To protect the plant from these fluctuations, it is best to place it in a location that is away from doors, windows, and other sources of drafts.

Humidity Requirements:

  • All hoyas thrive in humid conditions, and Hoya caudata 'Sumatra' is no different. 
  • It is best to keep the relative humidity around the plant at around 50-70%. If the air is too dry, the plant may suffer from dry leaves and flowers, and it may be more prone to pests and diseases.
  • To increase the humidity around the plant, you can try the following methods:
  • Place the plant in a location with high humidity, such as near a bathroom or kitchen.
  • Use a humidifier to increase the humidity around the plant.
  • Group the plant with other plants to create a mini-humid environment.
  • Mist the plant regularly with water, being careful not to wet the leaves and flowers.
  • Place a tray of water near the plant and refill it as needed to maintain a high level of humidity.

Watering Requirements:

  • In terms of watering requirements, Hoya caudata 'Sumatra'  prefers to have evenly moist soil, but it is sensitive to overwatering. 
  • It is important to allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings, as this will help prevent root rot and other problems caused by excess moisture.
  • To water Hoya caudata 'Sumatra', it is best to use lukewarm water and water the plant until it is thoroughly moistened. Avoid getting the leaves and flowers wet, as this can lead to rot and other problems. It is also a good idea to water the plant from the bottom up by filling a saucer or tray with water and placing the pot in it, as this will help to prevent the leaves and flowers from getting wet.
  • Keep to a regular schedule and remember to water frequently during the summer's hotter months. Reduce during the chilly winter months when the plant is still dormant.

Soil Requirements:

  • Use a potting mix with equal parts perlite, peat, and orchid mix because the plant prefers slightly acidic, moist soil with adequate drainage.
  •  To enhance the soil's aeration, you can also add charcoal or fir bark. Never allow water to pool at the base of a plant as this can cause root rot and harm the plant's health.
  • Choose a pot with drainage holes to prevent excess water from pooling in the roots.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Hoya caudata 'Sumatra' benefits from regular fertilization during the growing season. A balanced, all-purpose fertilizer with a ratio of approximately 20-20-20 (NPK) is generally suitable for this plant. It is best to follow the instructions on the fertilizer package for the proper amount to use and frequency of application.
  • Hoya caudata 'Sumatra' is a slow-growing plant, so it does not require heavy fertilization. It is important to avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to excess foliage growth at the expense of flower production.
  • It is also a good idea to use a slow-release fertilizer, as this will provide a steady supply of nutrients to the plant over an extended period of time. This can help to reduce the risk of over-fertilization and ensure that the plant receives the nutrients it needs to grow and flower.


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