Hoya collina (splashy leaves)

Hoya Collina (Splashy Leaves)

Hoya biakensis sp collina is a species of Hoya native to the island of Biak in Indonesia. A very rare hoya only found with speciality plant dealers, this hoya is noted for its delicate vining growth and round shiny leaves that feature a splashy silver variegation pattern. When sun or light stressed, this hoya develops a pretty reddish to purple coloration on its leaves. 

This is a blooming hoya, and puts out cream star-shaped flowers with plum centers. These blooms last about a week and are lightly fragrant. The smell is a bit like butterscotch and drip nectar, attracting bees and other pollinating insects in its natural habitat. The flowers are up to 10 millimetres in diameter, with a crimson centre and a lemon corona. There may be up to 15 blossoms on each umbel. 


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Scientific name: Hoya biakensis sp collina

Common names: Wax plant, porcelain flower, waxvine

Origin: Biak Island, Indonesia

Flower colour: Cream with plum centers 

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Epiphytic Evergreen Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya collina?

The Hoya collina requires the same growing conditions as other hoyas; less watering, loose soil, moderate to high humidity levels and bright, indirect sunlight. Hoyas are classified as low maintenance not because of their tolerance, but because of their ability to respond well to being provided all the pre-requisites for growth, which are not very rigorous. Given care and ideal conditions, your Hoya collina will thrive.


  • Low maintenance
  • Temperature range of 60-95 F
  • Humiidty range of 60-80%
  • Indirect sunlight
  • Well draining, loose  and slightly acidic soil

Hoya collina (splashy leaves) Care Detail

Light Requirements:

  • As is the case with other hoya varieties, this one thrives best in light that is diffused and indirect. Hoya growth can be stunted by strong, direct sunlight, which also causes the plant to become wilted and limp.
  • The plant can withstand direct heat for brief periods of time, but if it is exposed to it for an extended period of time, the plant's leaves may get charred.
  • In an ideal condition, the plant should be positioned such that it receives just partial shade and should be kept out of direct sunlight. You can decide to construct a greenhouse by taking use of the diffused light produced by covering the area with a garden cloth or sheet.
  • If you are cultivating the plant indoors, position it so that it is adjacent to windows that face either the south or the north, and use UV protection sheets or curtains to act as light filters.

Temperature Requirements:

Conditions that are warm and humid, like those found in its original tropical climate, are ideal for the Hoya collina plant.

Placement of the plant in an environment with temperatures ranging from 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit is recommended for optimal growth (18-29 degrees Celsius). Because the plant's leaves and flowers are susceptible to harm at temperatures lower than 15 degrees Celsius (or 60 degrees Fahrenheit), it is essential to avoid exposing the plant to temperatures in this range.

Keep in mind that Hoya collina is sensitive to unexpected shifts in temperature as well as draughts, as this is another vital consideration. It is ideal to position the plant in an area that is away from doors, windows, and any other sources of draughts in order to shield it from the changes in temperature that may occur.

Humidity Requirements:

  • The Hoya collina is no exception to the rule that hoyas flourish best in damp environments.
  • The ideal relative humidity level for the plant's environment is anywhere between 50 and 70 percent. If the air is too dry, the plant may have problems with its leaves and blossoms becoming dry. Additionally, it may be more susceptible to being attacked by various diseases and pests.
  • You could attempt any one of the following strategies to bring the relative humidity around the plant up to a more desirable level:
  • Put the plant somewhere that has a lot of humidity, like a spot close to the kitchen or the bathroom, for example.
  • Increase the amount of moisture in the air around the plant by using a humidifier.
  • Put the plant in a pot with some other plants to make the atmosphere a little bit more humid.

Watering Requirements:

  • Like other hoyas, Hoya collina is also sensitive to overwatering, developing root rot and other fungal infections when overwatered. 
  • Always let the top two inches of soil dry out before watering. When watering, always water gently, preferably with a long spouted container to prevent disturbing the soil and splashing water onto the leaves. 
  • Plant your hoya in a pot that has drainage holes; this ensures that excess water drains out without retention.

Soil Requirements:

  • Because the plant prefers slightly acidic, moist soil with good drainage, use a potting mix that contains equal parts perlite, peat, and orchid mix.
  • You can also incorporate charcoal or fir bark to improve the soil's aeration. Never let water collect at the base of a plant because this can lead to root rot and be detrimental to the health of the plant.
  • You can also using African violet or orchid potting mix from a plant speciality shop.


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