Hoya coriacea (silvery leaves)

Hoya Coriacea

Hoya coriacea is a species of hoya native to Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. This particular hoya is considered rare and prized for its beautiful foliage and its large yellow flowers. The leaves are thin and glossy, emerging from a rather slender stem and quickly enlarging to a maximum of 7 cm in width and 15 cm in length. Nice mid-green colour with subtle veining adds visual interest without taking away from the lovely foliage aspect.  Hoya coriacea is a prolific grower, and does require shifting from pot to trellis pretty quickly to accommodate its growth. It can grow up to 3m in height with proper care. 

The blooms that make this hoya famous grow in a round cluster the size of a baseball/cricket ball. Hoya coriacea has large, fuzzy, golden, star-shaped blooms, with white coronas, yellow corollas and a purple or red centre. The scent of the blossoms is a blend of citrus and spice, and rather heady with multiple blooms. 


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Species: H. coriacea

Common name: Waxflower, waxplant, waxvine

Origin: South East Asia

Flower colour: Fuzzy yellow flowers with purple or red centers

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:EpiphyticFlowering vine

How to care for

Hoya coriacea

Hoya coriacea is considered to be less temperamental and more hardy than its other counterparts, for example the Hoya fraterna. It thrives in moderate to high humidity, warm temperatures and a “dry” watering schedule. Due to its fast growth, this hoya may require more watering and fertilizing to support its growth.


  • Low maintenance
  • Moderate to high humidity
  • Low watering requirements
  • Temperatures no lower than 57 degrees F
  • Organic, well draining soil

Hoya coriacea Detail

Light Requirements:

  • All hoyas do well in bright indirect light, and Hoya coriacea is no different. 
  • Choose a south-facing window and esure that your hoya receives around 6 hours minimum of light to help it grow fast and well. 
  • Without proper light, growth can become stunted; blooming is also affected to the point that the hoya does not put out flowers at all. 
  • During overcast days, you can use artificial yellow light to maintain growth levels and ensure blooming.

Temperature Requirements:

  •  Hoyas are endemic to the tropics, and the temperatures of the region need to replicated in order for them to grow. 
  • For Hoya coriacea, the ideal temperature range is be no lower than 57 degrees F. Any lower wil cause the plant to die out. 
  • During winter months, artifical lights, heating pads and red lights can help keep temperatures in the ideal range.

Humidity Requirements:

  • For Hoya coriacea, interior humidity levels between 40 and 60 percent are good for growth, although they thrive in humidity levels. 
  • On the other hand, low humidity causes leaf yellowing, drooping, dropping, and curling.
  • Put your indoor plants near to one another and mist the leaves every three to four days. Rainfall that occurs naturally helps to increase humidity.
  • Humidity levels can also be helped using pebble trays. Alternately, you can use an electric humidifier to artificially increase humidity. Additionally, you might place your plant in a moist area like the kitchen or bathroom.

Watering Requirements:

  • Hoyas do not require excessive moisture due to the way their huge leaves absorb moisture, and when they are overwatered, root rot occurs.
  • Maintain the soil as much as you can, and before watering, make sure the top 25–30% of the soil has dried up. Give them a good soak in water is the most important next step.
  • In the summer, water your Hoya coriacea once every 8 to 10 days. Since the soil takes longer to dry out in the winter, cut the rate in half.

Soil Requirements:

  • Hoyas prefer permeable, well-draining soil as their preferred environment. A mildly acidic to neutral pH range of 6.1 to 7.5 is ideal for Hoya coricea
  • Hoya coriacea would grow well in cactus potting mixes as well. Simple potting soil is not suitable for since the roots won't get enough oxygen.
  • You can mix se 1 part potting soil, 1 part peat moss, and 2 parts perlite to get a fantastic, loose soil mixture.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Hoya coriacea does require more assistance during the growing season. An ideal fertiliser ratio is 10-10-10 NPK, which is what the majority of indoor houseplant fertilisers contain.
  • Every two to three weeks during the growing season, you can use a liquid fertiliser solution by reducing it to half strength. During the plant's winter dormant season, use none.
  • If you use well-rotted compost instead of potting soil, you won't need to fertilise it at all. Additionally, you can add slow-release fertiliser granules to the soil before planting in the spring.


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