Hoya cumingiana

Hoya Cumingiana

Hoya cumingiana originates from the Philippines, Java, and Borneo. The waxy appearance of its leaves and flowers has earned it other names, including Porcelain flower and wax plant. 

The leaves on Hoya cumingiana are remarkably shrub-like. Unlike other Hoya species, this plant grows straight and does not tangle. The leaves are tiny, waxy, and green.It blooms stunning yellow star flowers with purple coronas in the summer. Each small cluster has five to ten individual blossoms.

The blossoms emit a pleasant aroma reminiscent of tropical fruits and spices, especially during the night time. Some Hoya cumingiana plants have flowers that smell like mangos, while some have a cinnamon-like aroma.

Hoya cumingiana plants will keep their greenery thanks to the fact that they are perennials. Their leaves are evergreen, meaning they don't drop off like they would on a deciduous tree or shrub.


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Scientific name: Hoya cumingiana

Common names: Wax plant, porcelain flower

Origin: Philippines, Java, and Borneo

Flower colour: Yellow with purple coronas

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Epiphytic Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya cumingiana?

This epiphytic plant is able to efficiently gather the nutrients and moisture it needs from the surrounding air. During the growth phase of Hoya cumingiana, make sure to water the plant on a consistent schedule and then allow the soil to become mostly dry in between waterings to prevent root rot.

This plant needs rich soil, plenty of water, and light that is bright but indirect in order to thrive and grow to its full potential.


  • Temperature range of 60-85 degrees F
  • Moderate humidity requirements, tolerant to lower levels.
  • Well-aerated, loose soil
  • Minimal watering
  • Bright, indirect light.

Hoya cumingiana Detail

Light Requirements:

  • You are free to place the plant anywhere as long as it has abundant bright indirect light. Between 50 and 70% of direct sunlight is ideal for its development.
  • When grown outside, it has to be in bright shade or sunlight with some filtering. Utilize shade materials such as shade cloths or netting to reduce the impact of the sun's rays.
  • It is best to avoid exposing this plant to direct sunlight; nevertheless, a little bit of exposure in the early morning or late evening will assist blooming. Hoya plants produce more flowers when exposed to generally brighter light.

Temperature Requirements:

  • The ideal temperature range is from 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit on average.
  • This plant is not frost or winter hardy; however, this plant can survive at temperatures as low as 0 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit).
  • It should not be placed directly in front of or near any heaters or air conditioners in order to prevent sudden shifts in temperature. You should also stay away from windows and doors that let in a draught.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Hoya cumingiana requires a humidity level that ranges from moderate to high. However, it is able to withstand low levels of humidity. 
  • The ideal humidity level is between 70 to 90 per cent. Because it is not finicky about the amount of humidity it receives, this plant only requires a little attention in this regard from you.
  • But if you really want to give your plant the best possible care, you should try to enhance the humidity levels in your room using one of the following methods:
  • Put filtered water into a spray bottle and fill it up. Make use of this to give the plant a light misting every once in a while.
  • Use pebble trays and humidity domes.
  • Place all your plants in one area.

Watering Requirements:

  • You should water your Hoya cumingiana plant when the soil feels dry to touch. 
  • When you are watering, be sure that the water penetrates the soil completely. Nevertheless, you must remember to get rid of the excess water. The presence of fungi and illnesses, most notably root rot, is increased when this water is left standing.
  • If your Hoya begins to lose its leaves all of a sudden, it is possible that you are providing it with more water than it requires. If this occurs, try not to freak out and instead give the plant some time to dry up.
  • Because no one watering schedule is appropriate for the entire year, the one that I use for my plant is always subject to change depending on how it is behaving.
  • This particular Hoya prefers it when the soil is on the drier side, and its leaves have a succulent quality to them.
  • When the soil is entirely dry in the summer, you should water your plants, but throughout the winter, you should only water enough to barely moisten the soil.

Soil Requirements:

  • You need to be careful about the components that you add to the soil mixture in order to guarantee that the soil will drain properly and will not become overly wet. Your soil should be sandy or gravelly, and it should have a lot of air pockets in it. Therefore a chalky or sandy soil mix is ideal.
  • Because in their natural environment in the wild these plants often put down roots on trees rather than the forest soil, a good soil mixture for Hoya cumingiana should contain some tree bark for the hoya roots to latch on to. 
  • It is recommended that your soil mixture be supplemented with some organic material such as leaf mould.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • It is important to fertilise your Hoya cumingiana with a liquid fertiliser every two to four weeks before it begins to bloom. Because organic goods are less harsh on plants, you can also use organic orchid food when caring for this variety of orchid.
  • Your plant will benefit from having more blooms if you use a fertiliser that is high in phosphorus.
  • During the active growing seasons, you can fertilise this plant once every month.


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