Hoya Fusco Marginata

Hoya Fusco Marginata

Hoya Fusco Marginata is a beautiful plant which is a hybrid of is hybrid of Hoya vitellinoides and Hoya vitellina. The plant features thick, large leaves that are a beautiful fresh green in color, and flat as compared to other large-leaf hoyas. Their distinctive feature is the thin reddish-purple border that runs along the length of each leaf.

The flowers are a light butter yellow that grow in clusters and are very fragrant.


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Scientific name: Hoya Fusco Marginata

Common names: Wax plant, porcelain flower, waxvine

Origin: Hybrid

Flower colour: Pale yellow

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya Fusco Marginata?


  • Can grow up to 1-2 meters per year with prolific clusters of flowers along the stem.
  • Gorgeous creamy-butterscotch coloured flowers, to 10mm diameter with dark rose-gold corona. Up to 25 flowers per umbel. Earthy perfume.
  • Sun exposure Medium to bright indirect light.
  • Prefers well-draining open mix. Water less in winter.

Hoya Fusco Marginata Care Detail

Light Requirements:

  • As a result of its versatility, the Hoya Fusco Marginata can flourish in a wide range of lighting conditions. Light that is bright but indirect is ideal for optimal growth. It will be able to grow more rapidly and produce more foliage as a result of this.
  • However, it can't handle strong sunlight, so limit its exposure to the outdoors to no more than two hours a day at most.
  • Place the Hoya Fusco Marginata near an east- or west-facing window for optimal growth. Because of its metallic finish, it shines brightest in indirect sunlight. Even so, it is crucial that this light does not cause any harm (morning or late afternoon sun).

Temperature Requirements:

  • The Hoya Fusco Marginata, like all hoyas, is a tropical plant. Because of this, it is best grown at temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • However, it is critical to remember that these plants can come from many different biomes. Some people prefer to live at lower elevations, while others prefer to stay higher up. Therefore, if your Hoya Fusco Marginata does not flower despite receiving plenty of bright, indirect light, fertiliser, and proper care, you may want to consider relocating it to an area where the temperature drops at night.
  • Because of the greater altitude, the temperature is lower at these locations, especially at night. That's why local flora can flourish even when the thermometer drops by about 15 degrees overnight.
  • For optimal temperature maintenance, the Hoya Fusco Marginata should be kept in a warm, draft-free location.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Moist conditions are ideal for the plant's development. For optimal comfort, the humidity level should be between 50 and 70 percent.
  • In contrast, its large leaves make it better able to withstand the moderate humidity found indoors.
  • This quality allows the plant to store moisture in its foliage, allowing it to endure dry conditions for longer. It also makes it resistant to low humidity.
  • Therefore, the Hoya Fusco Marginata should be a hit in the vast majority of dwellings. The exception is if you happen to be a resident of a desert or another region where summers are unusually dry and hot.

Watering Requirements:

  • Hoya Fusco Marginata needs to be watered when the top inch of soil appears dry to the touch. The simplest approach is also the most effective. Waiting until the soil is 50% dry is the ideal time between waterings.
  • There's no rule that says you have to wait until the soil is completely dry before watering, so go ahead and water early if you like. Some people are careful to wait until the soil is totally dry before they add any more water, and that's the approach some take.
  • Keep in mind that any of these techniques can be used successfully; the key is to allow the soil to dry out a bit before adding more water.
  • Overwatering is a risk for the plant, and this is why. The plant will die if its roots are submerged in water for an extended period of time.

Soil Requirements:

  • In order to speed up the drainage of excess water after flooding the root ball, a special potting mix is required.
  • Sandy, well-drained soil with plenty of air is ideal for growing Hoya Fusco Marginata.
  • This ensures that any excess moisture in the soil quickly drains away, giving the roots a chance to "breathe." The roots of a plant need both water and air in equal amounts for the plant to survive.
  • Root rot, which occurs when water accumulates around the plant's roots and prevents them from drying out, can kill it if it gets too much water.
  • Do-it-yourself potting mixes like the ones listed below can be used to make soil that is well-aerated, light, and drains quickly. Everyone can successfully cultivate Hoya Fusco Marginata.
  • Orchid bark potting soil
  • Equal parts peat and perlite
  • Make sure there are drain holes in the base of the container you plan to use. To avoid standing water, make sure the bottom of the container slopes away from the soil. Instead, it can get out of the pot through the drain hole.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • The Hoya Fusco Marginata is a low-maintenance plant that benefits from a light fertiliser application. However, the plant will only blossom if given the right nutrients.
  • Therefore, feeding it is a crucial part of its care, especially if you wish for it to flourish.
  • There are no special requirements for the Hoya Fusco Marginata when it comes to plant food, so any standard houseplant fertiliser will do. The most crucial factor is ensuring that it gets enough to eat (and that it is not overfertilized).
  • In most cases, a nitrogen-rich fertiliser will be used, as the plant's leaves are the primary target of this treatment. The development of the leaf will be promoted in this way. You can use a fertiliser made especially for houseplants if you like (an N-P-K of 15-15-15 is a good choice).
  • When the plant first shows signs of blooming, or when blooming has begun, you can apply a blooming fertiliser.
  • If your hoya goes dormant during the winter months, fertilising it is not a good idea. Leaf burn could be severe if you do this.


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