Hoya hamiltoniorum

Hoya Hamiltoniorum

Hoya hamiltoniorum is named after John and Gina Hamilton who lived in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah for the past 12 years. They have taken a serious interest in the Hoya species, maintaining a living collection, and have often accompanied one of the authors (Anthony Lamb) on exploratory outings.

Hoya hamiltoniorum is an epiphytic growing vine with strong lashes 2-3 m long. Internodes 5-7 cm long; aerial roots develop along the internodes.

Leaves opposite, petiole cylindrical, green, 1-1.5 cm long, 0.3-0.4 cm thick, pubescent; the leaf blade is thin, oval-oblong, rigid, 6-17.7 cm x 3-6 cm. The upper surface of the leaves is dark green and sparsely pubescent, and the lower surface of the leaves is paler, and pubescent. The base of the leaves is rounded, the top is sharp, and the edge with very small, rounded teeth and is slightly tucked down. Leaf plate with veins, the midrib is convex on the lower surface and depressed on the upper surface. The secondary veins are poorly visible, located at right angles to the central vein.


In a convex hemispherical umbel, 5-14 individual flowers open with a strong sweet aroma at night. Pedicels creamy with pink spots, 1.2-1.6 cm long, 0.1 cm thick, pubescent; calyx pale green with purple spots, 5 mm in diameter, covered with golden hairs; sepals purple, 1.6-3.0 mm x 1.3-1.5 mm, densely covered with golden hairs. Corolla bell-shaped, cream or ivory, 1.7-2 cm in diameter. The base of the corolla, covered with silvery-grey hairs, is cup-shaped, 6 mm in diameter, 5 mm deep; inside it is a cream-coloured crown, its shape is determined by the shape of the corolla cup, 4.5-5 mm high, 4 mm in diameter.


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Scientific name: Hoya hamiltoniorum

Origin: Sabah (the north-eastern part of the island of Borneo)

Flower colour: cream or ivory

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae

Kingdom: Plantae

Type: Broadleaf evergreen

Common names:Waxflower, waxplant, waxvine

How to care for

Hoya hamiltoniorum?


  • Bright, indirect light. A little full sun is okay with acclimation.
  • Fairly low-maintenance
  • Soil should be kept moist
  • High humidity preferred; low humidity tolerated
  • Fertilize monthly during active growth

68-85°F / 20-27°C preferred temperature

Hoya hamiltoniorum Detail

Light Requirements:

  • Hoya hamiltoniorum prefers dappled shade. This is more difficult to replicate indoors because dappled shade usually refers to the light filtering through trees.
  • In the northern hemisphere, south, east, or west-facing rooms. Doesn’t want hours of direct sun. North-facing windows will not provide enough light for bloom initiation. To avoid burnt leaves, keep your plant protected from the afternoon sun.
  • Hoya hamiltoniorum will be fine in low light and indoor, medium, and indirect light.
  • Although Hoya hamiltoniorum doesn’t like direct bright light, that doesn’t mean NO light. Indirect light or full morning sun stores up enough energy to be able to produce spurs, where the flowers grow from and bloom. 
  • It does well under artificial light, making it ideal for office environments.

Temperature Requirements:

  • This plant likes cooler night temperatures. But temperatures below 41 degrees Fahrenheit will damage your Hoya hamiltoniorum. 
  • Keep the temperatures between 63 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit for optimal growth. The best range is between 68-85°F / 20-27°C degrees Fahrenheit.

Lower temperatures between 12°C to 14°C are allowed but should not go below 14°C (57°F)

Humidity Requirements:

  • Humidity is essential for the growth of Hoya hamiltoniorum. Using a humidifier is a straightforward option for increasing the humidity level in a room with houseplants.
  • 50% and above humidity is optimal. To accomplish this, place a gravel-filled drainage tray under the container. Make sure the water doesn't reach the rim of the pot as you fill it. Place it near your hoya for humidity. 
  • You can use a humidifier to maintain humidity levels at the recommended range.

Watering Requirements:

  • The Hoya hamiltoniorum, unlike many other Hoyas, does not have abundant water reserves in its leaves. While the plant can still store some water, its foliage has shrunk and become thinner.
  • Because of its limited water reserves, the Hoya hamiltoniorum cannot be allowed to dry out completely. During the growing season, it can be quite thirsty.
  • Every few days, check the topsoil.
  • Water your plant deeply until excess water runs off the drainage hole once the top 1 inch (2.5cm) of soil has dried. Deep watering encourages healthy root growth and reduces the risk of mineral-salt buildup caused by fertilizing.
  • Watering frequency naturally decreases in colder months when using this method. During the winter, your plant slows its growth and eventually goes dormant, requiring less water.

Soil Requirements:

  • Potting mix with quick drainage that can provide good air circulation. 
  • Hoya hamiltoniorum shouldn’t be left to dry out for long and it prefers very high humidity. 
  • Potting mixes that retain too much moisture for too long will rot the roots. 
  • Typical Hoya mixes contain perlite, orchid bark, cactus and succulent potting mix, and coco coir, among other ingredients but dense substrates like peat are used in moderation to prevent too much moisture retention. Unless ofcourse you go semi-hydro.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Because Hoya hamiltoniorum does not require a lot of fertilizer, overfertilizing it may harm the plant. Use a general houseplant fertilizer diluted to half strength once a month during the growing season to fertilize this plant (spring and summer).
  • Fertilizing your light-feeding Hoya hHamiltoniorum once a month during the growing season is sufficient. Using a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month at half strength is sufficient.
  • When you see flowers developing, switch to a high-phosphorous fertilizer to encourage flowering.
  • Fertilize not in the fall or winter. This is when your plant is dormant or growing slowly. Your plant will suffer if you use too much fertilizer.
  • If you notice a white crust forming on the soil’s surface, this could be due to salt buildup from overfertilization. Flush your plant with room-temperature water in this case.


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