Hoya incrassata 'Moonshadow'

Hoya Incrassata 'Moonshadow'

Hoya incrassata is a beautiful flowering Hoya native to South East Asia that has been traded as a houseplant for years.

There is a great deal of variation in the leaves and blooms of the Hoya plant, making it one of the most diverse plant genera in nature. Hoya incrassata was first recognized in 1904 by German botanist Otto Warburg. It is one of the easiest Hoya plants to grow and blossom.

Variegated forms of this plant are available, with cream- and green-colored leaves. Hoya incrassata 'Moonshadow' is one such popular variegated variety. The leaves are glossy and obovate, with a bright green color that darkens as the leaves mature. The variegation pattern is located in the middle of the leaves and can range from white to pale cream in color. 


Hoya incrassata 'Moonshadow' bears flowers with a white corona and a yellow centre, measuring 5 mm in diameter, and a reflexed shape. Each umbel can have up to 80 blooms with a powerful, spicy-citrus aroma. The flowers can last for upto four days. With its magnificent blossoms, Hoya Incrassata is a superb decorative plant for gardeners who are infatuated with Hoyas. This fragrant plant looks lovely in small gardens, hanging baskets, and containers.


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Scientific name: Hoya incrassata

Common names: Wax plant, porcelain flower, waxvine

Origin: South East Asia

Flower colour: White corona with yellow centers

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya incrassata 'Moonshadow'?

Like other Hoyas, Hoya incrassata thrives in dim to bright indirect light and prefers peat-based soil. It does best in temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, with relative humidity between 70 and 80%.


  • Less watering
  • Temperatures at 65-80 degrees F
  • Humidity range at 70-80%
  • Bright, indirect light
  • Well-draining, loose soil with organic content.

Hoya incrassata 'Moonshadow' Detail

Light Requirements:

  • Hoya incrassata 'Moonshadow' is a houseplant that does well in either full sun or partial shade. However, even direct, full light should be avoided for your plant.
  • If your apartment or house receives very little natural light, you can use artificial lighting to bring your Hoya incrassata to full bloom indoors.
  • Put your plant in indirect sunlight, but not direct sunlight, if you want it to flower. This plant does well in outdoor conditions from about the middle of May to the end of September. However, during the summer, you should move the plant indoors.

Temperature Requirements:

  • This plant does well in typical indoor temperatures because it is originally from moist, tropical Southeast Asia. On the other hand, temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit are recommended (18 to 27 degrees Celsius).
  • Hoya incrassata 'Moonshadow' is not cold-resistant and dies at temperatures as low as 57 degrees Fahrenheit (14 degrees Celsius). It is recommended to acquire heat pads if the temperature gets lower than 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • One of the things this plant particularly dislikes is cold, draughty windows.

Humidity Requirements:

  • If you want to grow this plant effectively in your home, you need to simulate a tropical setting as closely as possible. Most tropical plants thrive in high humidity; hence it is the most crucial component in creating this environment.
  • The plant’s versatility saves the day, as it can handle a wide range of humidity levels. The ideal humidity for a Hoya incrassata 'Moonshadow' is between 70 and 80 percent.
  • Use a humidifier or pebble tray to maintain ideal humidity levels. You can also use humidity domes.

Watering Requirements:

  • Hoya incrassata 'Moonshadow' requires a lot of water to thrive; however, it's crucial to wait until the plant is completely dry before watering it again. Mist your plant from time to time so that it does not dry out between watering.
  • It is not picky about water because the leaves are succulent and will store water. Just keep in mind to water it after any time the soil dries out. Water it twice a week in the hot summer.
  • Because the rate of evaporation is lower in the winter than it is in the summer or spring, you should water your Hoya plant less during this time. Otherwise, you risk overwatering it.
  • If you neglect to water your plant occasionally during the growing season, do not be alarmed. Waxvines like Hoya incrassata 'Moonshadow' have dense leaves that can store some water for these dry spells.

Soil Requirements:

  • The main factor to take into account while discussing Hoya soil requirements is that they detest water-logged soil. So whatever mixture you choose, make sure it drains well.
  • You can grow your plant in a peat, bark, and perlite mixture because it satisfies all the needs of an indoor hoya plant. Even coconut fibre can be added to your peat-based mixture. 
  • A Hoya incrassata 'Moonshadow' can also be grown using a cactus mix.
  • For organic content and to make the soil less compact, use organic mixes like leaf mulch or coconut bark.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Plant health and blossoming in the upcoming season depend on a sufficient supply of fertiliser. Young plants with one or two leaves only need the barest amount of nutrition. A slow-release fertiliser can be added twice a year.
  • You can add extra fertiliser for a mature plant with more leaves. When the plant is prospering vigorously during the growing season, it is advisable to apply a liquid fertiliser three to four times.
  • If you grow your Hoya incrassata 'Moonshadow' in cactus soil, you could supplement the soil with a cactus fertiliser.
  • In the spring and summer, this plant appreciates being fed, but you must stop fertilising it in the winter.


  • The adventitious roots of this hoya have a rough feel. Although this plant will benefit from being root-bound, it still needs repotting every year or two. Hoya plants prefer smaller pot sizes, so I pick ones that are one or two inches larger.
  • When repotting, I prefer using a coarse potting material. Simply place orchid bark in the bottom half of the pot and then fill the remaining half of the pot with your preferred potting mix. If you want to make the mixture more alkaline, you can add a teaspoon of lime.
  • Spray some liquid fertiliser on top of the soil surface once you’ve placed the plant in its new container. This will replenish any nutrients that are missing from the potting mix.


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