Hoya kenejiana (outer margin variegated) (albo)

Hoya Kenejiana (Outer Margin Variegated)

The Hoya family is known for its stunningly beautiful variegated cultivars, one of which is called Hoya kenejiana (outer margin variegated). This lovely plant has large leaves that are shaped like lances and have delicate white tinges along the margins of each leaf. It would work wonderfully as a hanging planter in your urban jungle.

Because of the way the edges of its leaves curl inward, those who are enthusiastic about hoyas frequently refer to it as "hoya nugget" and "hoya bacon." These hoyas turn pink or red when subjected to sun stress.

This plant is indigenous to the island of New Guinea and was given its name by the German botanist Rudolf Schlecter. The Hoya kenejiana (outer margin variegated) is a hardy plant that, once it has become established, grows rapidly and produces an abundance of flowers. It is considered to be easy to care for and is suitable for those who are just beginning their hoya growing careers. It does best when trained to climb a trellis or grown in hanging baskets.

The Hoya kenejiana (outer margin variegated) has small waxy blooms that are butter yellow in colour; however, these blooms do not have a fragrant quality. These flowers offer a striking contrast to the foliage, and provided that the conditions are satisfactory, they will bloom abundantly throughout the entire growing season.


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Scientific name: Hoya kenejiana

Common names: Wax plant, porcelain flower, waxvine

Origin: New Guinea.

Flower colour: White to pink 

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care?

Hoya kenejiana (outer margin variegated)

Hoya kenejiana has the same growth requirements as of other hoyas with a a few differences in temperature


  • Night temperature requirements 12-18 °C
  • Day temperature requirements 20-30 °C
  • Low watering
  • Bright indirect light 
  • Well-draining soil with 6-7 pH range
  • Humidity range 60-80%

Hoya kenejiana (outer margin variegated) Detail

Light Requirements:

  • This hoya prefers indirect light to direct sunlight.
  • It does best in a brightly lit indoor location, but can survive in less luminous settings and is thus adaptable to virtually any room or office.
  • When placed outside, it can thrive in either filtered sunlight or afternoon shade. It might get sunburned if exposed to the sun's rays for too long.
  • It tends to bronze in strong sunlight, which encourages the growth of large leaves and showy blooms.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Growing conditions for Hoya kenejiana (outer margin variegated) are best when the thermometer reads between 20-30 degrees C during the day time. During the night, the ideal temperature range is 12-18 degrees C. 
  • For the most part, the temperatures found inside a home are ideal for this plant, making it a breeze to maintain.
  • Living in a colder climate means you have to deal with the difficulties associated with snow, winter, and low temperatures. The plant doe snot tolerate temperatures lower than 5 degrees C. 
  • In the colder months, make sure the indoors are warm for your hoya. If the soil temperature drops below the desired level, a heating pad or heat pack can be placed under the container to maintain the desired level.

Humidity Requirements:

  • The optimal humidity for plant growth is 60 to 80%..
  • This hoya can tolerate 50% humidity. As long as the air is not too dry, it can do well in many different types of homes.
  • In contrast, growth is often most robust at relative humidities of 60% and above. Raising the humidity may improve the plant's chances of blooming this summer.
  • Humidity levels also need to be kept constant. You can get a little humidifier that you can put next to your hoya. Misting the plant on a regular basis is also helpful.

Watering Requirements:

  • Hoya kenejiana (outer margin variegated), thanks to its succulent nature, can go for extended periods without being watered.
  • In the summer, it's important to water your plants frequently without drowning them.
  • They need to dry out before you water them again. Root rot can be brought on by overwatering.
  • Too much water and shade can cause them to swell and grow in an unruly way, so it's important to water them sparingly.

Soil Requirements:

  • Planting epiphytes in porous potting media that allows some air to reach the roots is essential to their success.
  • Blends of peat, some fibrous soil and sand, and a drainage material like perlite, pumice, or ceramic balls are typical.
  • Specialized hoya growers typically use either premium orchid potting soil or simply chopped coconut husk to cultivate their hoya plants.
  • Soil pH should be ideally maintained at 6-7.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Foliage hoyas typically need nitrogen rich fertilizers once per month. 
  • It is recommended to use liquid fertilzer dilute dto half strength once a month during the growing season. 
  • It is recommended to use organic fertilizers, because hoyas are light feeders and chemical fertilizers may cause chemical build up and fertilizer burn later on. 
  • Do not feed your hoya during the winter months.


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