Hoya lacunosa (inner variegated)

Hoya Lacunosa Inner Variegated

Hoya lacunosa (Inner Variegated) is a variegated variety of the Hoya Lacunosa Inner Variegated. This plant features pointy leaves with a broad variegation splash that is a greenish-gold in color, surrounded by an irregular border that is dark green in color. 

This hoya is considered to be rare and is popular among hoya collectors. It grows pretty, almost glass-like blooms that are a pale yellow to pale pink in color, and smell of cinnamon. As a houseplant, Hoya Lacunosa Inner Variegated rarely blooms, but when they do, they can last for 3-5 days.


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Hoya lacunosa variegated hlv001Hoya lacunosa variegated hlv001


Scientific name: Hoya lacunosa sp.

Common names: Wax plant, porcelain flower, waxvine

Origin: Australia, India, Malaysia parts of southern China.

Flower colour: pale yellow to pale pink 

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya lacunosa (Inner Variegated)

Like other hoyas, Hoya lacunosa (Inner Variegated) thrives best in bright indirect light, semi-arid conditions and loose, well-draining soil.


  • Bright indirect light
  • Temperature range 15-30 degrees C
  • Low watering requirements
  • Moderate humidity
  • Well-draining loose soil
  • Organic fertilizer recommended during the growing season 

Hoya lacunosa (Inner Variegated) Detail

Light Requirements:

  • The Hoyalacunosa (Inner Variegated) should have bright indirect light. The plant doesn't require direct sunlight to light itself up because it has been found to flourish naturally in the rainforest.
  • The only preferred light source for the plant is filtered sunlight or bright indirect light. Only the area near a window, a filtered plant nursery, or a portion of a shaded garden area offers these ideal lighting conditions. The lighting conditions mentioned above can provide the best environment for the plant to survive and flourish.
  • It is crucial to remember that because the plant will be exposed to the direct sun, it could scorch its leaves. The plant only requires a certain level of lighting, and gardeners must be aware that they must stay within that level. 

Temperature Requirements:

  • The lacunosa (Inner Variegated) needs a temperature that is equivalent to a tropical climate. It can survive and tolerate conditions best when the temperature is between 15 and 30 c (59 and 86 f).
  • The Hoya may experience lacunosa (Inner Variegated) difficulties and stress due to low and high temperatures. Consider putting the hoya in a temporary location where it can maintain its warm temperature if the temperature rises too high or drop too low. 
  • It would help if you were extra vigilant throughout each season because a sharp rise or fall in temperature could give you a hint as to when it is best to move the hoya from its usual location.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Hoya lacunosa (Inner Variegated) is also unaffected by typical indoor humidity levels. However, higher humidity levels will make it really shine and give you the best new growth. one thing to note in the image is that, like in many Hoya species, variegation can revert back to regular plain green. To help with humidity levels, you can add a humidifier. Misting is another option, albeit a more transient one due to how quickly the moisture vanishes. 
  • You can also use a pebble tray to create more humidity.

Watering Requirements:

  • The Hoya lacunosa (Inner Variegated) needs only enough water to provide the plant with the necessary moisture and the water it needs to survive in dry areas.
  • To provide the plant with the right amount of water, though, a regular watering schedule should be adhered to. Make sure that any extra water is quickly drained so that it doesn't pool on the topsoil.
  • To avoid further issues, it's crucial not to overwater or submerge the plant.
  • The plant is active in the spring and summer, when it receives the proper amount of water. However, since the plant won't grow during the fall and winter, watering should be reduced during these times. 

Soil Requirements:

  • The Hoya lacunosa (Inner Variegated) needs a type of soil that is well-draining, very loose, and has an excellent potting mix. Organic substances like peat moss, perlite, gravel, vermiculite humus, charcoal, etc. can be added to the soil.
  • To help the Hoya lacunosa (Inner Variegated) reach its ideal state for survival and growth, there should be a well-draining soil mixture or potting mix.
  • Organic components might also assist the plant in avoiding becoming overly wet, which will ultimately lead to root rot.
  • These organic materials help the excess water drain quickly, help the soil retain enough water, and provide nourishment. They also prevent excess water from collecting on the topsoil. These organic materials also give the soil an airy feeling, which is necessary for the roots of the plant to develop properly or avoid becoming entangled.
  • You can purchase an orchid potting mix which can replicate the airy feeling that the plant's roots require.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Organic fertilisers are recommended for Hoya lacunosa (Inner Variegated) maintenance. Additionally, organic fertilisers promote a healthy, nutrient-rich soil or potting mix.
  • When applying fertiliser to hoyas, summer and spring are the best times to do so. Due to the hoya's ease of survival and growth during these seasons, these seasons are also advantageous for hoyas. These times of year are also the best for propagation.
  • You must not or only minimally fertilise hoyas in the fall and winter. This hoya typically hibernates or is dormant during these seasons. Salt or other chemicals that are poisonous to Hoyas can stick to them if excessive fertiliser is applied to the plant.


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