Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush'

Hoya Lacunosa 'Royal Flush'

The evergreen Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush' is a climber that can be grown in a conservatory environment. These plants are popular with indoor growers due to their attractive foliage and waxy flowers, which can sometimes emit a strong fragrance. 

The true distinguishing feature of this plant is its dark foliage, which often has hints of crimson or pink and silver flecks. The blooms have the shape of a star and are flattened clusters of a pale pink colour. It is a rare hoya that is popular among plant collectors.


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Scientific name: Hoya lacunosa sp.

Common names: Royal Flush

Origin: Australia, India, and parts of southern China.

Flower colour: pale pink

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush'

These hoyas need to be grown in a warm, bright room inside the house or in a heated conservatory if you live in a climate that is considered temperate. They thrive in bright environments where they are able to produce flower clusters in the shape of stars.


  • Bright indirect light
  • Humidity above 60%
  • Temperature range 68-77 degrees F
  • Well-draining organic mix soil
  • Less watering
  • Organic fertilizing, once a month during growing season

Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush' Detail

Light Requirements:

  • The ideal way to care for a Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush' is to create an environment in your home that is as close as possible to the lighting conditions of its natural habitat.
  • This will result in healthy growth and abundant flowering in the plant. It may be a good idea to hang your basket from the bough of a tree in your garden; however, this may cause the leaves to become a bit dusty.
  • You should do it if the lighting on your porch is adequate. These colder months can be challenging for this fleshy vine.
  • You can bring a Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush' plant inside and cultivate it using artificial lighting. 
  • It is possible to cultivate Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush' in conditions of medium light; however, the plant will not bloom very successfully under these conditions.

  • Just like any other tropical flowering plant, the amount of flowers it produces is proportional to the amount of light it receives.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush' is a tropical plant that is fairly hardy and temperature tolerant, but it is not able to withstand temperatures that are below freezing.
  • Because of its slightly succulent leaves and fleshy stems, the temperature needs to be between 68 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit (between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius), and it must never drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).
  • If you are fortunate enough to call a latitude close to the equator home, you can cultivate Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush' outside in any month of the year.
  • In any other case, it is best to cultivate it indoors at room temperature and keep it protected from draughts of cold air, particularly during the winter months.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Because Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush' are native to climates that have a range of moderate to high humidity, maintaining an appropriate humidity level is an essential part of their care.
  • These plants are subjected to intense monsoons in their natural habitat and they are able to prosper in humidity levels of up to 60 percent.
  • If you want to cultivate Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush' in a cold country during the winter months, you might need to invest in a humidifier.
  • Keeping this in mind, you should make sure that your winter care for your Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush' includes taking precautions to ensure adequate humidity, such as using a humidifier.

Watering Requirements:

  • Never let the plant "sit" in water; instead, water it as soon as the top layer of the potting mix becomes noticeably dry (although this is also a property of the soil, which we've already covered in another section).
  • It's also important to note that this sporadic dryness helps Hoyas flower.
  • The general rule for watering during the winter is to reduce consumption even more while still maintaining moisture. The plant will endure the winter even though it won't grow.

Soil Requirements:

  • In its natural environment, the hoya grows on the surface of a plant or a tree and obtains its nutrients from the surrounding air, precipitation, water, or debris.
  • Potting soil used to cultivate Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush' needs to be lightly packed and almost porous in order to allow for adequate circulation of oxygen to the roots. The soil should also drain extremely well.
  • Peat, some rich soil, sand, and either mulch or humus mixed in with potting soil is a great way to cultivate Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush'. 
  • You could even use a drainage material like perlite in this process. It is possible for the mixture to contain pine bark, peat moss, or any other organic material that is readily available, lightens the soil, and improves its aeration.
  • Use a basic orchid potting mix, which is readily available at most gardening supply stores, if you want to make this process as simple as possible.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • You do not need to fertilize your hoya much when there is a lot of decomposed leaf and bark material combined with rich soil.
  • Organic feeds over chemical fertilisers are recommended because they are slow-release, which is crucial for epiphytes like Hoya. These fertilizers also do not cause chemical buildup.
  • In addition, you can purchase a balanced orchid fertiliser from your neighbourhood store as part of my bimonthly Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush' care schedule.

This should only be used during the growing season and is only intended to increase blooms. In the winter, you must stop feeding the plant.

The only winter maintenance required for Hoya lacunosa 'Royal Flush' is moisture control.


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