Hoya Merrillii

Hoya Merrillii

Hoya merrillii is a unique species of plant belonging to the Apocynaceae family. This species is native to Southeast Asia, and can be found in tropical regions of India, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. It has become increasingly popular among gardeners due to its attractive foliage and flowers that bloom throughout the year. Hoya merrillii is an easy-to-grow houseplant with long trailing stems covered in thick leathery leaves. The flowers are star shaped and come in shades of pink, white, or yellow.


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Scientific name: Hoya Merrilli

Common names: Waxplant, waxvine

Origin: India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia

Flower colour: Pink, white, yellow

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya Merrilli?

This species is a popular choice for houseplants due to its ease of care, reliability and attractive foliage. To keep it healthy, it should be grown in bright indirect light with occasional direct sunlight during the morning and evening hours. Hoya merrillii should be watered thoroughly and allowed to dry out between waterings. This plant will thrive in temperatures between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit, with humidity levels at 50% or higher. Additionally, it does not require much fertilizer but may benefit from a balanced liquid fertilizer once every month during the spring and summer months.


  • Bright, indirect light
  • Temperature range 65-85 degrees F
  • Humidity range 70-80%
  • Water when dry
  • Well-draining coarse soil
  • Fertilizing during the growing season.

Hoya Merrilli Care Detail

Light Requirements:

  • When it comes to lighting, Hoya Merrillii does not require too much of it. 
  • Bright indirect sunlight or semi-shaded areas are ideal for this species; however, direct sunlight should be avoided as it can cause sunburns.
  • A few hours of direct morning light is recommended for optimal growth and flowering. Here are some tips for ensuring that your Hoya Merrillii has the light conditions it needs:
  • Place near an east or south facing window
  • Use sheer curtains to filter out harsh direct sunlight
  • Consider placing in an area with bright artificial lighting
  • It is important to note that insufficient light can lead to slower growth and fewer blooms in Hoya Merrillii plants, while too much light can cause yellowing of the leaves. Therefore, it is always best to observe your plant's behavior when determining how much light it needs. If you notice the leaves turning yellow or growing slowly, then you may need to move your plant away from direct sunlight or into a brighter spot indoors.

Temperature Requirements:

  • When it comes to temperature requirements, hoya merrillii plants are quite hardy. These plants can tolerate temperatures as low as 40°F (4°C), but they will thrive in temperatures between 65-85°F (18-30°C). 
  • As a tropical plant, hoya merrillii prefers humid conditions and should be kept away from drafts and air conditioners.
  • It is important to note that these plants are native to the tropics and do not tolerate extreme heat or cold. If the temperature exceeds 90°F (32°C) for too long, the leaves may start to wilt and curl inwards.
  •  In this case, you can move your hoya merrillii indoors or find a cooler location outdoors. On the other hand, if temperatures drop below 40°F (4°C) for an extended period of time, the plant may suffer damage or even die. Therefore, it is always best to keep your hoya merrillii out of any areas with extreme temperatures.

Humidity Requirements:

  • In order to ensure your Hoya merrillii’s optimal health and growth, providing adequate humidity is essential. An ideal level of humidity for this plant is between 70-80%. 
  • If the environment has a lower level of humidity, it may be beneficial to increase it by using a humidifier or grouping several plants together in one pot. Additionally, misting the leaves with lukewarm water can increase humidity levels and act as an additional form of hydration for the plant’s foliage.
  • When caring for Hoya merrillii, monitoring and adjusting humidity levels regularly will help maintain its health and growth. It is also important to keep in mind that if you live in a dry climate or have air conditioning running continuously in your home, you may need to take extra steps to make sure your plant maintains optimal humidity levels. Taking these measures will help ensure that your Hoya merrillii receives the best care possible!

Watering Requirements:

  • When caring for Hoya merrillii, water when the top 50% of soil is dry and avoid letting the roots sit in water. 
  • It is important to check your Hoya merrillii's soil regularly to ensure it has proper moisture levels and adjust watering accordingly. 
  • Use warm rainwater to water your plant; this ensures that the roots do not suffer from cold shock.

Soil Requirements:

  • Hoya merrillii requires very well-draining soil due to its sensitivity to wet conditions. 
  • In order to replicate the ideal growing condition, it is best to create a mixture of 1 part loam and 1 part peat moss with a few handfuls of horticultural charcoal added in. This combination allows the plant roots to have access to ample oxygen and also provides moisture retention without becoming overly saturated.
  • For successful cultivation of Hoya merrillii, it is important to provide an environment where the soil drains well while still providing enough moisture for roots and leaves alike. With regular fertilizing, pruning, and adequate light exposure, this species can thrive indoors or outdoors with minimal effort on behalf of the grower.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • To properly fertilize this plant, there are a few key points to remember. 
  • First, use only chemical-free fertilizer and only feed the plant every two weeks during its growing season from spring to fall. 
  • Second, dilute the fertilizer solution with water until it’s at half-strength before applying it directly to the soil around the base of the stem. Finally, avoid over-fertilizing as this can cause leaf burn and other damage to the foliage.
  • Careful attention should be taken when caring for Hoya Merrillii as improper fertilizing can lead to an unhealthy plant and even death. Here are some tips that can help ensure successful fertilization:
  • Use organic fertilizer only
  • Dilute fertilizer solution with water before application
  • Avoid over-fertilizing


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