Hoya minibelle (splashy leaves)

Hoya Minibelle (Splash)

The minibelle variety of Hoya is the result of a genetic cross between Hoya shepherdii and Hoya carnosa. Minibelle Hummel, the hybridizer's wife, inspired the name of this plant. The evergreen Hoya is a climber that can be grown in a conservatory environment. 

These plants are popular among people who grow them indoors due to their attractive foliage and waxy flowers, which often have a strong fragrance. They need to be grown in a warm, bright room inside the house or in a heated conservatory if you live in a climate that is considered temperate. They thrive in bright environments where they are able to produce flower clusters in the shape of stars.

Hoya minibelle also comes in a variegated variety that features distinctive silvery splashes along the length of its long, sword shaped leaves. 


The inflorescence consists of a number of hanging or more upright flowers arranged in an umbel. The flowers have a vivid pink exterior and a purple interior. They appear to be made of wax and are born in clusters with a star-like shape. The surface of the flower has a fuzzy appearance due to the tiny hairs that cover it. They may produce excess nectar that drips from the flowers and have strong scents. minibelle blooms from spurs, like all Hoya species. These emerge from the axils of the leaves and stem; they may not bear flowers at first, but eventually buds will appear from the tips of the spurs. These same spurs produce new flowers every season, so they shouldn't be harmed or taken away.


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Scientific name: Hoya minibelle (Hoya shepherdii x Hoya carnosa)

Common names: Hoya minibelle

Flower colour: Pink corollas with dark purple coronas. 

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya minibelle (splash)

Hoya minibelle (splash) has the same requirements as other hoyas. Semi-arid conditions, warm temperatures and well-draining soil are a must for any hoya to thrive. Provided these conditions, Hoya minibelle (splash) will thrive.


  • Bright indirect light
  • Temperatures no lower than 14 degrees C.
  • Moderate humidity
  • Well-draining soil
  • Fertilizing once a month during the growing season.

Hoya minibelle (splash) Detail

Light Requirements:

  • Hoya minibelle (splash) grows well in bright, indirect sunlight. They will grow best when placed near a light source that gets plenty of sunlight during the day. 
  • Use curtains to make the sunlight diffused for your hoya. East facing windows work best. 
  • Take care not to sun-stress your hoya. Sun stress may cause the variegation to fade or worse, cause leaf burn. 
  • If you have overcast weather, grow lights can be an excellent medium to sustain your hoya’s growth.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Native to tropical climates, hoyas require warm temperatures for their growth. The ideal range is usually from 16-30 degrees C. 
  • Hoya minibelle (splash) is not resistant to cold. Any temperatures below 14 degrees can serious harm the plant’s growth. 
  • During winters, you can use heating pads to turn your thermostat up to keep temperatures in the ideal range. 
  • Additionally, you should keep your hoya away from drafts and other areas that may get chilly.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Most hoyas thrive well in household humidity ranges, though there are some kinds that may need more humidity levels. 
  • For Hoya minibelle, moderate humidity ranges, at least 60%, are enough for ideal growth. 
  • If you live in dry areas, it would be best to invest in a humidifier to keep your hoya happy. 
  • If your plant starts to look peaky or the leaves look a bit soft, it could be because of low humidity.
  • If your plant is not established yet, you can place it under a humidity dome. 
  • Pebble trays are also a cost-effective way you can sustain your Hoya minibelle (splash).

Watering Requirements:

  • Hoyas tend to prefer semi-arid conditions, which is why they need to be watered sparingly. 
  • Only water Hoya minibelle (splash) when the top one or two inches of soil are dry. 
  • Your hoya needs extra watering during the growing season, so make sure to water it in a timely manner. Be careful not to over water it, as over watering can cause root rot to set in. 
  • During the winters, taper off watering even more. If you were watering your plant once a week in the summers, take to watering after 10 days when the plant is dormant. 

Soil Requirements:

  • Hoyas are epiphytes, meaning they do not need soil to grow. Therefore the soil used for growing hoyas indoors should replicate their natural habitat.
  • Coarse, well draining soil with organic content is the best medium for hoyas to grow in. 
  • You can either buy commercial mixes or make your own potting mix. 
  • To make your own potting mix, you can add fine sand, loam, coco coir or perlite to loosen the texture of the soil.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Hoyas are susceptible to chemical build-up from chemical fertilziers, which is why it is recommended to use organic fertilizers. These fertilizers are slow release and typically carry less concentrated additives. 
  • Since Hoya minibelle is primarily a foliage hoya, you should use a liquid fertilizer that is primarily nitrogen based diluted to half strength once every month during the growing season. 
  • Before applying the fertilizer,  water your hoya so that the fertilizer is able to permeate the soil. Do not apply fertilizers to the leaves. 
  • Before the cold months, flush your hoya by flooding the soil gently with water. Allow to drain and do not water until the soil is dry to touch.


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