Hoya nervosa

Hoya Nervosa

The Hoya nervosa plant is native to Vietnam and was originally identified there in 1974. The name alludes to the elevated, venation-like nerves on the leaves. Even if you can't get it to flower, it still makes a beautiful foliage plant. Wait a very long time to see the blossoms if you truly want to. These blossoms, in my opinion, can only be produced with time. It also needs a specific day-length cycle, which is challenging to mimic artificially. Thus it cannot flower under lights.

The flowers on Hoya nervosa are very similar to those of Hoya carnosa, and the smell of dark chocolate. They range in color from pale pink to white with pink centers.


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Scientific name: Hoya nervosa

Common names: Hoya nervosa, porcelain flower, waxvine

Origin: Southeast Asia

Flower colour: White to pink 

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya nervosa

All hoyas have the same requirements with some variations. Essentially, less watering, well-draining organic soil, warm temperatures and high humidity levels help the plant grow ell, since they closely replicate its natural habitat.


  • Bright indirect light
  • Temperatures no lower than 14 degrees C
  • Humidity range above 50%
  • Well-draining soil
  • Less watering 
  • Fertilizing during the growing season

Hoya nervosa Detail

Light Requirements:

  • Hoya nervosa can grow in conditions with weak indirect illumination up to high indirect lighting, however, the latter is preferable. Growing vegetatively and showing lots of flowers are signs of a healthy plant, which is a goal that most likely satisfies the expectations of plant enthusiasts.
  • A plant will not be harmed if it is exposed to direct sunlight for a few hours in the morning; on the contrary, it will profit from it. However, exposure to midday sunshine causes it significant harm.
  • Indoor rooms with little to no natural light can achieve good outcomes with artificial lighting sources. For instance, to do this, fluorescent bulbs with a luminous flux more than 3230 Lumen can be utilised (lm). The lamps should provide the plant with 12 to 16 hours of light, followed by the final eight hours of total darkness during the 24-hour period.
  • Inside the house, the Hoya Nervosa ought to be put adjacent to or next to a window that has curtains drawn. The proper window direction is north for both the southern and northern hemispheres.

Temperature Requirements:

  • The Hoya nervosa is another houseplant that is largely tropical in origin. It is thus comfortable when exposed to temperatures between 18 and 32 °C.
  • The temperature needs of an ornamental plant grown outside of its natural habitat vary with the season and the stage of the day/night cycle.
  • Along with other things, Hoya typically thrives during the future vegetative season at these temperatures, and its flowering is encouraged.

Humidity Requirements:

  • The Hoya nervosa prefers greater relative humidity levels than the majority of indoor plants do. The closest to the maximum value produces the greatest effects both vegetatively and in terms of promoting blooming. Its favourable growth values range from 40 to 60%.
  • However, interior relative humidity above 50% makes it very challenging for people to live there, while indoor relative humidity below 40% makes it very challenging for the plant itself since it raises the danger of insect attacks, including mite attacks, among other things.
  • Use pebble trays or a humidifier to maintain humidity levels.

Watering Requirements:

  • The Hoya nervosa needs a little to moderate watering. The plant' leaves, which have a waxy, shiny surface and tiny amounts of water discharge, considerably aid in this. On the other hand, excessive watering needs to be avoided because it increases the risk of Hoya roots going bad when combined with possible substrate or mixed growing medium drainage problems.
  • The amount and frequency of irrigation vary according to the season for Hoyas: in the winter, only tiny amounts of water are provided; in the spring and summer, irrigation frequency and amount rise correspondingly; and in the autumn, irrigation frequency and amount gradually decline.
  • During the growth and flowering stages, it is a solid indicator that it is time to water the plant when the first 2.5–3 cm of the surface of the mixed growing media nearly entirely lacks moisture. Watering happens only briefly, just before the planting media totally dries out, throughout the winter.

Soil Requirements:

  • The potting mixture may facilitate good airflow and has quick drainage.
  • Hoya nervosa may withstand a little dryness between waterings, but not for too long.
  • In potting combinations that retain moisture for an extended amount of time, roots will rot.
  • Hoya mixtures commonly contain components like orchid bark, Perlite, cactus, succulent potting mix, coco coir, and others, although peat and other dense substrates should only be used sparingly to prevent excessive moisture retention. the exception being a semi-hydro vehicle.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Hoya nervosa requires a sufficient supply of the required nutrients even though it is not the most demanding plant. It is a heavy feeder, especially when it comes to fertiliser. As good a reservoir of nutrients as the growing media is, the correct fertiliser boosts their adequacy and availability.
  • A fertiliser that has the ratio 1(N): 1(P2O5): 112 in its basic element formula is good for Hoya (K2O). Additionally, flowering is encouraged by the fertiliser and organic amino acid formulations together.
  • It is advised to administer nutrients by root irrigation, and the application dose will depend on the plant's overall growth (always follow the manufacturer's instructions).


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