Hoya nervosa ˈJokulˈ

Hoya Nervosa 'Jokul'

Hoya nervosa 'Jokul' was a hybrid hoya created by famous hoya breeders Jadeite Nursery in China. This hybrid hoya features large, deep green leaves with large swatches of variegation, which vary from silver to a grey-green color.


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Scientific name: Hoya nervosa

Common names: Hoya 'Jokul', porcelain flower, waxvine

Origin: Southeast Asia

Flower colour: White to pink 

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya nervosa 'Jokul'

All hoyas have the same requirements with some variations. Essentially, less watering, well-draining organic soil, warm temperatures and high humidity levels help the plant grow well, since they closely replicate its natural habitat.


  • Bright indirect light
  • Temperatures no lower than 14 degrees C
  • Humidity range above 50%
  • Well-draining soil
  • Less watering 
  • Fertilizing during the growing season

Hoya nervosa 'Jokul' Detail

Light Requirements:

  • Hoya nervosa 'Jokul' can grow in environments with low indirect lighting all the way up to strong indirect lighting, but the latter is ideal. Healthy plants grow foliage well and produce lots of flowers, which is a goal that most likely meets the expectations of plant aficionados.
  • If a plant is exposed to direct sunlight for a few hours in the morning, it won't harm it; on the contrary, it will benefit from it. However, prolonged exposure to midday sunlight is seriously harmful.
  • The Hoya nervosa 'Jokul' should be placed inside the home close to or next to a window with drawn curtains.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Exposure to temperatures between 18 and 32 °C is comfortable for Hoya nervosa 'Jokul'. 
  • Hoyas generally grow well at these temperatures during the growing season and their flowering is promoted.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Unlike other indoor plants, the Hoya nervosa 'Jokul' prefers higher relative humidity levels. The range of its favourable growth values is 40 to 60%.
  • Anything below the ideal range will cause the plant to wilt and drop leaves, so be careful to maintain humidity levels. 
  • To keep the humidity level constant, use a humidifier or pebble trays.

Watering Requirements:

  • A little to moderate irrigation is required for the Hoya nervosa 'Jokul'. This is greatly aided by the plant's leaves, which have a glossy, waxy surface and slight water evaporation. 
  • On the other hand, excessive watering must be avoided because, when paired with the potential substrate or mixed growing medium drainage issues, it raises the danger of Hoya roots acquiring root rot. 
  • Hoyas receive different amounts and frequencies of irrigation depending on the season: in the winter, very little water is required; in the spring and summer, both frequency and quantity of irrigation increase; and in the fall, both frequency and amount of irrigation gradually decrease.
  • When the first 2.5-3 cm of the surface of the mixed growing medium is virtually completely devoid of moisture during the growth and flowering periods, it is a reliable sign that it is time to water the plant. During the winter, watering is only done quickly, just before the planting material completely dries out.

Soil Requirements:

  • The potting mixture should allow for quick drainage and good airflow. The trick is to go for coarse potting mediums or amend potting mixes with soil additives to create the ideal soil mix. 
  • The reason why hoyas are predominantly planted in coarse mixes is that their roots tend to develop root rot in dense soil. Their roots do not need soil; this is the reason why the soil must be as light and well-draining as possible. 
  • While peat and other dense substrates should only be used sparingly to avoid excessive moisture retention, hoya combinations frequently incorporate ingredients like orchid bark, Perlite, cactus, succulent potting mix, coco coir, and others.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Although not the most demanding plant, the Hoya nervosa 'Jokul' demands a sufficient supply of the necessary nutrients. It consumes a lot of food, especially fertiliser. Even though the growing medium is a good source of nutrients, the right fertiliser increases their sufficiency and availability.
  • Hoyas benefit from fertilisers with the ratio 1(N): 1(P2O5): 112 in their basic element formula (K2O). The fertiliser and organic amino acid formulas work synergistically to promote flowering.
  • It is recommended to apply fertilisers by root irrigation, and the dosage will depend on how well the plant is growing overall (always adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations).
  • Only fertilize the plant during the growing season and no more than once a month. You should dilute the fertilizer to half strength, and take care to avoid the leaves. You will also need to flush your plant periodically so that there is no chemical buildup in the soil.


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