Hoya obovata (variegated Splash)

Hoya Obovata (Variegated Splash)

Hoyas are popular indoor plants, and with good reason. These lovely trailing plants stand out for their thick, glossy leaves and protracted tendrils. They make excellent hanging plants and are simple climbers of moss poles and trellises. Hoyas are semi-succulent epiphytic plants that draw moisture and nutrients from the air naturally. They also have thick leaves that can store water like succulents1. As a result, they are drought-tolerant and generally simple to maintain.

Hoya obovata (variegated splash) is a rare variety distinguished by its enormous, oval, deep-green leaves, which frequently contain a (silver splash) pattern. Even though it is more uncommon than Hoya carnosa, this variant is noted for growing more quickly. Both collectors and newcomers are drawn to it because of its distinctive appearance.

Hoya obovata in this variegated form grows quickly and has waxy, green leaves with yellow variegation in the centre of each leaf and white splotches all over. The pink bloom clusters, which are fragrant and simple to flower, arrive in the summer.


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Scientific name: Hoya obovata variegated

Origin: South Asia 

Flower colour: Pink

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae

Kingdom: Plantae

Type: evergreen

Common names: Waxflower, Hoya Plant, Wax plant

Caring for the

Hoya obovata (variegated splash)

Hoya obovata doesn't require a lot of ongoing maintenance. They thrive in sunny, bright windows and need little watering. Proper fertilisation is one crucial component of hoya maintenance; these quickly growing foliage plants gain from routine fertilisation during the spring and summer months to maintain their growth in a healthy and full state.


Indirect light

Water when soil is dry

Maintain 60% humidity and warm temperatures

Hoya obovata (variegated splash) Care Detail

Light Requirements:

  • Lighting is a factor to consider if you plan to maintain your Hoya obovata (variegated splash) indoors.
  • This plant often grows best when exposed to indirect, bright light. Therefore, take into account the orientation of your window while planting your plant on a ledge.
  • Your Hoya should be placed on an east-facing window for optimal results. Throughout the majority of the day and most of the year, these are exposed to bright indirect light.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Warm climates are preferred by the Hoya obovata (variegated splash). It does well at temperatures between 15 °C and 29 °C (60 °F and 85 °F).
  • As a result, you should protect it against excessively warm temperatures.. If at all possible, keep your hoya away from doors and windows that are constantly opened.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Hoyas prefer a slightly humid climate as they are tropical plants. Make sure the humidity is at least 60%, in particular.
  • But when winter arrives, you'll need to make a few little adjustments, just like with watering. Low humidity and changing temperatures are characteristics of this season.
  • Humidity levels in heated homes might drop below 10%. It implies that you'll probably need to find alternative ways to increase the humidity levels in your home.
  • Consider relocating your Hoya near a humidifier if you have one in your home. You can also group your indoor plants together.
  • You can also place your plant in the kitchen or bathroom, since these two areas are typically the most humid and warm.

Watering Requirements:

  • Your Hoya should be allowed to completely dry out in between waterings because they are extremely sensitive to overwatering.
  • Watering needs will vary depending on a number of variables, including
  • how much light it receives
  • the type of pot it is in 
  • the potting soil
  • the time of year. 
  • Wait until the potting has completely dried before giving it a good watering. 
  • Reduce watering during the plant's dormant season in the fall and winter.

Soil Requirements:

  • Hoya plants grow best in airy, well-draining soil mixtures because their roots need both good drainage and aeration. 
  • To ensure proper drainage and space for the roots, hoyas are frequently planted in a mixture of perlite, peat and orchid bark.
  • You can mix potting soil, compost, pumice and orchid bark as an alternative.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • The main reason this hoya requires a lot of nitrogen is to promote the growth of the luxuriant leaves.
  • Consequently, you should seek out fertilizer with a high nitrogen concentration. The optimal NPK ratio is 2:1:2 or 3:1:2.
  • You can switch to a fertilizer with a good balance after your Hoya reaches a good size.
  • Your plant may experience fertilizer burn if you use the fertilizer exactly as directed. Dilute the fertilizer with some water before sprinkling it on your plant.
  • Consider fertilizing once or twice a month, but more frequently after your plant hits its development peak.


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