Hoya Perak

Hoya Perak

Hoya perak is a species of plant that is native to the Malaysian state of Perak. It has a long history of being cultivated and used for various purposes, such as medicinal treatments and decorations. The plant is known for its unique appearance, with large, waxy leaves and an abundance of vibrant flowers that bloom in the spring. Its popularity has grown over the years, making it an increasingly sought-after specimen in gardens across Malaysia.


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Scientific name: Hoya Perak

Common names: N/A

Origin: Southeast Asia

Flower colour: White to pink

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya Perak?

The Hoya perak is an excellent choice for any garden due to its easy care requirements and attractive appearance. It does best in indirect light, making it ideal for growing indoors or on a patio or balcony. It needs regular watering during the growing season but the soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings. Fertilizer should be applied every 6-8 weeks during the growing season to maintain healthy growth and bloom production. Pruning is not necessary unless the plant becomes overgrown or leggy, in which case it can be pruned back lightly to encourage bushier growth. With proper care, this plant will provide years of enjoyment with its beautiful foliage and fragrant blooms.


  • Bright, indirect light
  • Temperature range 65-75 degrees F
  • Humidity range 40-60%
  • Water when dry
  • Well-draining coarse soil
  • Fertilizing during the growing season.

Hoya Perak Care Detail

Light Requirements:

  • When grown indoors, Hoya perak prefers bright indirect light with some direct sunlight.
  • Direct sunlight should be avoided in hot climates to prevent scorching of the leaves. The ideal location is near a south facing window away from air conditioning vents and drafts. 
  • In lower light situations, this plant may become leggy and require extra support to stay upright. If the leaves begin to yellow, lack of light is likely the cause; placing in a brighter location can help improve its health.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Temperature is a major factor in the health of any plant, including the Hoya perak. In order to thrive and bloom abundantly, this plant needs temperatures between 65-75°F (18-24°C). If temperatures drop below 60°F (15°C), the plant may suffer damage, such as leaf-drop. 
  • Temperatures above 75°F (24°C) can cause wilting of the leaves or flowers buds.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Humidity requirements for Hoya perak are essential to its health and growth. As a tropical evergreen, it loves humidity and needs an environment with high levels of moisture in order to thrive. 
  • The ideal range is between 40-60%. If the relative humidity is too low, the foliage will wilt and become prone to mites and scale insects. On the other hand, if the humidity levels rise above 80%, fungal problems can occur in the potting soil or around the leaves.
  • Maintaining optimum relative humidity for Hoya perak involves providing adequate water and air circulation.
  • Air circulation is also important as it helps to keep mold at bay. If there isn’t enough air movement, then stagnant air can increase the chances of fungal issues developing on your plant. Ensure you place your plant in an area where there’s plenty of ventilation or use a fan for added airflow.

Watering Requirements:

  • It is best to water Hoya perak when the top layer of soil is slightly dry. To ensure that the soil does not become too dry, you can use a spray bottle to mist it lightly every few days. 
  • If you do choose to water your Hoya perak, use filtered or distilled water only. Tap water contains minerals, salts and chlorine which can cause damage over time. Additionally, make sure that there is adequate drainage so that the excess water can flow out freely from the pot.
  • It is also important to note that over-watering can be just as detrimental to this plant as under-watering; avoid overwatering by not allowing standing water in the saucer for long periods of time after watering. 
  • Yellow leaves may indicate too much moisture; if you notice yellowing, reduce watering and check drainage before giving your Hoya perak any more water.

TIP: During summer months, place your Hoya perak outdoors in a shaded area with indirect sunlight and where air circulation is good. This will help keep its soil moist while avoiding root rot due to overwatering indoors.

Soil Requirements:

  • The ideal soil for Hoya perak should be slightly acidic and well-draining. The soil should have a pH range between 5.5 and 6.5, which can be tested using an electronic soil tester or through a simple pH test kit. 
  • The texture of the soil should also be light and sandy, as this will ensure adequate drainage for excess water, and allow for adequate air circulation around the roots of the plant, which is vital for its health.
  • Additionally, compost or organic matter can be added to improve soil fertility, as well as provide beneficial microorganisms that are essential for healthy root growth.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Hoya perak needs to be fertilized every six to eight weeks throughout its growing season. 
  • During this period, it is best to use a balanced liquid fertilizer which contains macro nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus as well as trace elements like iron and manganese. 
  • When applying fertilizer, it is important to dilute it to half strength in order to avoid over-fertilization which can cause damage or even death of the plant. Additionally, it is important not to fertilize during drought periods or when temperatures are too high as this could lead to root burn or other issues due to the increased salt content in the soil caused by increased fertilizer absorption by the roots.
  • Fertilizing Hoya perak correctly will result in lush foliage, vibrant blooms and overall better health for your plant. 
  • Fertilizer should be used cautiously though—too much can cause problems just as too little can prevent healthy growth and flowering. The key is finding the right balance so pay attention to your plant’s individual needs and adjust accordingly.


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