Hoya quinquenervia albo 'little plu'

Hoya Quinquenervia

Hoya quinquenervia abo ('little plu') or Hoya quinquenervia outer variegated is a super rare version of Hoya quinquenervia, which was discovered in O. Warburg Malunu, Isabela Province, on the Philippine island of Luzon. 

The white variegation is found mostly on the outer edge of the leaf but can sometimes appear in the center of it as well. When exposed to bright light, the leaf suntresses to a red-brown color, included the white variegation.

The leaf shape and size, as well as the flowers are similar to it's green counterpart.


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Hoya Quinquenervia Albo 'little plu' QA003
Hoya Quinquenervia Albo 'little plu' QA002Hoya Quinquenervia Albo 'little plu' QA002
Hoya Quinquenervia Albo 'little plu' QA001Hoya Quinquenervia Albo 'little plu' QA001


Scientific name: Hoya quinquenervia outer variegated

Common names: White Hoya

Origin: Southeast Asia

Flower colour: Pure white with light pink at petal tips

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya quinquenervia albomarginata

Like other hoyas, Hoya quinquenervia albo is simple to grow and does not need much attention. Hoyas thrive indoors in filtered light or with a lot of artificial light. Hoya plants do not require much other than moist, warm soil that drains well (similar to bromeliads and orchids)


  • Bright, indirect light
  • Temperature range 60-70 degrees F
  • Moderate humidity, 50% or above
  • Low watering
  • Well-draining organic soil
  • Fertilizing during the growing season

Hoya quinquenervia Detail

Light Requirements:

  • This plant thrives in bright, indirect light and should be placed in a sunny window in the morning. The bright light, especially in the winter, will help this plant flourish.
  • Those who live in warmer climates should take precautions when spending extended periods of time outdoors in the sun. This hoya would be happier in a milder climate.
  • Some summertime diffraction of direct sunlight may be beneficial to your plant, depending on its location. Your plant will let you know if it doesn’t approve of your actions.
  • Remember that your Hoya quinquenervia needs bright light because the potting medium must dry out rapidly.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Hoya quinquenervia prefers a temperature range of 60-70 degrees F.
  • Temperatures above the normal range can cause the plant to heat stress. This will be observable with wilted, yellowing leaves
  • This plant, like other hoyas, is not cold-tolerant. In order to maintain ideal temperature ranges, try using heating pads or grow lights to maintain ideal temperatures for growth. 
  • You can place your hoya in the bathroom or kitchen during the winter, as these areas in a home are the warmest. 
  • Take care to keep your hoya away from cold drafts to prevent cold shock.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Although Hoya quinquenervia albo thrives in more humid conditions,  the typical humidity found inside a home is fine for it.
  • In the dry winter months, however, do use the humidifier. Your plant will thrive with humidity levels of at least 50%. 
  • Keep in mind that misting does not increase the air’s humidity, but as an epiphyte, this plant will benefit from misting anyway.

Watering Requirements:

  • In order for Hoya quinquenervia albo to flourish, the soil should be kept on the dry side (but watered regularly, of course). Like all hoyas, these plants do best when allowed to dry out significantly between waterings.
  • To properly water, the soil or other growing medium must be soaked. Soak the soil until water easily drains from the hole in the bottom.
  • Dry periods in between waterings are essential for the health of hoyas, as with any other plant. Wait until the potting soil is completely dry before giving it any more water.
  • Dry potting soil can be detected by touching it with your finger. Take the pot in your hands and see how it feels. You'll be able to tell when the soil is completely dry.
  • It's important to keep an eye out for stress-related symptoms. The plant could dry out and wither if it is subjected to excessive stress.

Soil Requirements:

  • Plants thrive in a potting mix that is both light and airy. You can use a variety of techniques to care for your Hoya Quinquenervia Albo, or any other kind of hoya.
  • The addition of perlite to a succulent or cactus mix would be ideal for this plant. Remember that fast drainage is beneficial for all plants, but especially for epiphytes.
  • Horticulture recommends a mixture of 2 parts soilless mix to 1 part fine-grain bark mix for most epiphytic plants.
  • If you cannot locate fine-grain bark mix, perlite is a suitable replacement. Add perlite to your cactus/succulent potting mix for optimal success.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Apply a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer that has been watered down by 50%.
  • When you can, try to stick to organic fertilizers. Leaves can become scorched if chemical fertilizer accumulates in the soil.
  • Hoyas should be fertilized once per month while actively growing and not at all during the dormant period.


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