Hoya sigillatis

Hoya Sigillatis

It is very easy to confuse Hoya sigillatis (Silver) with its parent species, Hoya sigillatis, but the difference is apparent if one looks closely. The Hoya sigillatis features dark green leaves that are speckled with silvery gray variegation, while the Hoya sigillatis (Silver) is silvery gray with dark green splotches. 

The Hoya sigillatis, also known as the Flecked Leaf Hoya and the Hoya hasseltii, is a visually striking epiphytic plant with a few different common names. Therefore, the Hoya sigillatis is meant whenever any of these names appear on packaging. The plant's aesthetic appeal comes from the silvery gray specks that dot its many skinny green leaves.

Their leaves turn a crimson or burgundy color when they are overexposed to sunlight.

When given a chance, it will climb just like any other hoya. But many gardeners and owners prefer to cultivate it as a hanging plant because of how beautiful it is in this form. Although its appearance belies its diminutive size, the leaves of the Hoya Sigillatis can reach lengths of 1 to 3 inches and widths of just over half an inch. Its natural habitats include the islands of Borneo and Malaysia in Southeast Asia.


This flower has a creamy white hue, a strong reflex, and an appearance similar to a sphere covered in fine fuzz. It measures 10 mm in diameter and has a yellow corona around a red centre. A single umbel can contain as many as 30 individual flowers. Flowers can brighten up a room for up to seven days.


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Scientific name: Hoya sigillatis

Common names: Wax plant, porcelain flower, waxvine

Origin: Borneo, Malaysia

Flower colour: Cream corollas with yellow centers

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya sigillatis

Hoya sigillatis requires the same care as other hoyas: less watering, dry and well-draining soil and bright, indirect light. With adequate care, the Hoya sigillatis is a long lived plant with growing potential.


  • Bright, indirect light
  • Temperature range 60 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Humidity range between  between 65% and 85%
  • Well-draining organic soil
  • Less watering
  • Organic fertilizing during the growing season

Hoya sigillatis Detail

Light Requirements:

  • To reach its full potential, the Hoya sigillatis needs to be placed in a room with medium to bright light. However, stay out of the sun and other bright lights. Put it somewhere that doesn't get direct sunlight.
  • Its delicate leaves can't take too much direct sunlight. Some cultivators actually prefer the slightly crimson appearance that results. Nonetheless, this is a symptom of sun stress.
  • Even if its colours look beautiful in this setting, it should be exposed for a short time.
  • Therefore, a north or east-facing window is preferable. As for the latter, make sure there's adequate illumination. If you want your Hoya sigillatis to bloom, you must do this.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Temperatures of 60 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit are optimal for Hoya sigillatis
  • The Hoya sigillatis struggles when the temperature drops below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Bring your plant inside before temperatures start to drop. 
  • Place your plant on a heating mat to ensure it stays warm during the colder months. You can also place your hoya in the bathroom or kitchen, since these areas are often warmer than the rest of the house.

Humidity Requirements:

  • The ideal humidity range for the Hoya sigillatis is between 65% and 85%. It thrives in these conditions.
  • The sigillatis, unlike other hoyas, has thinner leaves (and thinner stems as well). What this means is that it can't hold as much water as other types. Thus, you should strive to maintain relative humidity inside at around 50% (or at least 40%).
  • As a result, it will remain robust and content. The tips of the leaves won't brown, and the edges won't dry out.
  • Misting is the best way to quickly and easily hydrate your hoya. The benefits are short-lived, however, so you'll need to maintain this routine on a regular basis. You can group it with other plants or set a pebble tray under the pot if you don't have the time or remember to water it regularly.
  • Alternatively, you can take the easier route and use a humidifier.

Watering Requirements:

  • In order to water the plant effectively, it is best to wait until some of the soil has dried out before doing so.
  • To do this, simply stick your index finger into the ground past the first knuckle and work your way up to the second. This is equivalent to a depth of about 2 inches below the soil's surface.
  • It's time to water if the soil is completely dry down there. However, you should hold off on doing so until after that time. If you don't, you'll just be adding water to soil that already has plenty of it.
  • This eventually results in overly wet soil that is unable to hold any more water. The roots will remain submerged if you do this (which will deprive them of oxygen they need). Therefore, there is a much greater possibility of root rot.
  • If you follow these guidelines, you will need to water your Hoya sigillatis every 7 days during the warmer months and every 2 weeks (give or take a few days) during the colder months.

Soil Requirements:

  • Use of appropriate potting soil is another method you can employ to keep your Hoya sigillatis healthy and happy by avoiding overwatering.
  • A light, airy, easily-drained mixture is recommended. Soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0 is optimal for its growth.
  • This, once again, is because the plant thrives best when its roots are constantly exposed to fresh air. Being able to drain excess water also helps reduce the possibility of overwatering and waterlogging.
  • This kind of soil, fortunately, is simple to produce. If you prefer not to mix your own potting soil at home, you can always buy it.
  • If you'd rather mix your own potting soil at home (which can save you money and give you more flexibility in the long run), consider the following options.
  • Add perlite, charcoal, and pine bark to potting soil.
  • Combination of orchid soil, cactus soil, and perlite
  • Succulent-optimized potting soil
  • Combination of coco coir and potting soil
  • Mixed perlite and coco coir potting soil
  • Choose the one you think will work best or the one that uses ingredients you already have on hand.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • The Hoya sigillatis responds well to plant food and will develop more quickly as a result. So, obviously, this is something you're interested in doing.
  • However, it requires minimal watering and fertilisation to thrive. As a result, you can reduce the strength of the product you use or use a weaker fertiliser. It doesn't care what kind of fertiliser you use, as long as you do.
  • For this reason, you can use either a balanced or all-purpose fertiliser, or just a regular houseplant fertiliser.
  • The leaves will grow faster if you apply it once a month in the spring and summer. And because the plant is dormant over the winter, it does not require any additional feeding.
  • When the Hoya sigillatis is about to bloom or is flowering, you should change from the regular fertiliser you use.
  • Fertilize with a high phosphorus product instead of the standard nitrogen-rich fertiliser (which encourages foliage growth) during this time. You can resume using your regular fertiliser after that.


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