Hoya sigillatis silver

Hoya Sigillatis (Silver)

The Hoya sigillatis (silver), also called Flecked Leaf Hoya or Hoya hasseltii, is a fascinating-looking epiphytic plant with a few different common names. 

The plant’s beauty comes from the silvery greyish speckles that are scattered throughout its many skinny green leaves. The leaves turn a crimson or burgundy colour when they are overexposed to sunlight or suffer from sunburn. However, despite their beauty, the Hoya sigillatis (silver) leaves are only a few inches long and a bit more than half an inch wide.

It originated in Southeast Asia, specifically Borneo and Malaysia.


Inflorescences are flat, and about 5 cm in diameter; up to 20 flowers are clustered together in each cluster. The size of the flower is 7-10 mm, and it is apricot to pinkish cream in color with a faint, pleasant smell.


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Scientific name: Hoya sigillatis

Common names: Wax plant, porcelain flower, waxvine

Origin: Malaysia, Borneo

Flower colour: White to pink 

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care?

Hoya sigillatis (silver)

Hoya sigillatis (silver) is a low-maintenance tropical house plant that does well with warm temperatures, semi-arid conditions, and well-draining soil.


  • Bright indirect light
  • Temperature range 60-80 degrees F, no lower than 55 degrees F
  • Humidity range 65-85%
  • Water when dry
  • Well-draining loose soil
  • Fertilize once a month during the growing season.

Hoya sigillatis (silver) Detail

Light Requirements:

  • If you want your Hoya sigillatis (silver) to thrive, provide it with medium to bright light. However, keep it away from direct sun and other bright lights.
  • If you are looking to develop the reddish sun-stressed coloration, 2 in direct early morning or evening sun is usually enough for the hoya to gain that coloring. 
  • Placing your hoya near a window facing east or north is preferable. With the latter, make sure that there’s enough light. This is critical if you want your Hoya Sigillatis Silver to bloom.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Since the Hoya sigillatis (silver) has adapted to less extreme temperatures, the optimal range of temperatures for this plant is between 60-80 degrees F.
  • Snow and icy conditions are not features of life in Southeast Asian countries. Between December and February, you may need to keep your plant warm with heating pads and grow lights. 
  • The Hoya sigillatis (silver) has a hard time surviving in temperatures lower than about 55 degrees Fahrenheit because of this.

Humidity Requirements:

  • The Hoya sigillatis (silver) prefers a humid environment, one with a relative humidity of 65% to 85%. It thrives in these conditions.
  • Hoya Sigillatis Silver has thinner leaves than other varieties (and thinner stems as well). Therefore, it stores less water than other types. Therefore, you should strive for a relative humidity of 50% (or at least 40%) inside your home.
  • The easiest way to provide moisture to your hoya is by misting it. The benefits are short-lived, however, so this action must be repeated frequently.
  • To maintain ideal humidity levels, you can put it in a group of other plants or set it on a pebble tray. You can also opt for a humidifier.

Watering Requirements:

  • The Hoya sigillatis (silver) is an epiphyte. Therefore, its roots are used to drying quickly and getting a lot of air. Therefore, the plant does not like being in a stagnant pool of water. Leave it like this, and the roots could rot.
  • As a result, the best way to water the plant is to wait until some of the soil has dried out before doing so.
  • To do this, simply stick your index finger into the ground past the first knuckle. If you feel the soil is dry down there, you can water your hoya.
  • During the warmer months, you should water your Hoya sigillatis (silver) every 7 days, and during the colder months, you should water it every 2 weeks (give or take a few days).

Soil Requirements:

  • Using the correct potting soil is another way to ensure the continued health and happiness of your Hoya sigillatis (silver) by reducing the risk of overwatering.
  • A light, airy, easily-drained mixture is recommended. In addition, it thrives in soils with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0.
  • If you prefer to avoid making your own potting mix at home, you can also buy it at a store. If you’d rather buy something pre-packaged and ready to use, consider:
  • African Violet soil mix
  • Succulent soil mix 
  • If you'd rather mix your own potting soil at home (which can save you money and give you more leeway to make adjustments down the line), here are some good options to consider:
  • Mix together some perlite, charcoal, and pine bark to use as a potting mix.
  • Combination of orchid soil, cactus soil, and perlite
  • Planting medium for succulents
  • Potting soil and coco coir
  • Mixed perlite and coco coir potting soil
  • Make sure the pot has adequate drainage in addition to using loose, well-drained soil. Typically, this will be in the form of a few small holes in the base of the container.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • The Hoya sigillatis (silver) responds well to plant food and will develop more quickly as a result. 
  • However, the plant only requires a minimal amount of water and food. You can reduce the strength of the product you use or use a weaker fertiliser. 
  • Any regular houseplant fertiliser will do, as well as a balanced formulation or an all-purpose fertiliser.
  • In the spring and summer, fertilize once a month to promote leaf development. In addition, the plant does not require feeding over the winter because it is resting from its active growth period.
  • When the Hoya sigillatis (silver) is about to bloom or is in full bloom, you should switch from the regular fertiliser you use to one that is specifically formulated to encourage blooming.


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