Hoya Sp. (Epc-858) Aff. Latifolia

Hoya Sp. (Epc-858) Aff. Latifolia

Hoya sp. (EPC-858) aff. latifolia is an evergreen climbing plant belonging to the family Apocynaceae, native to Southeast Asia and Australia. It is a member of the genus Hoya, commonly known as wax plants due to their thick, waxy leaves and flowers. This species of hoya has long been prized for its vigorous growth habit, large clusters of fragrant flowers, and attractive foliage.

Hoya sp. (EPC-858) aff. latifolia is an easy-to-grow houseplant that can survive in a wide range of conditions, from bright light to low light, making it a great choice for both beginner and experienced gardeners alike. Its thick foliage provides a great way to add texture and interest to any room or terrarium. With its deep green foliage and white star-shaped flowers, this plant will surely make a beautiful addition to any home or garden!


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Scientific name: Hoya Sp. (Epc-858) Aff. Latifolia

Origin: Hybrid.

Flower colour: N/A

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya sp. (EPC-858) aff. latifolia?

When considering the specifications of Hoya sp. (EPC-858) aff. latifolia, it is important to note that this species prefers bright indirect light but can tolerate full sun if kept well-watered. It should also be planted in a soil medium that drains quickly and is kept moist but not overly wet. This vine can be propagated quite easily through stem cuttings taken from mature plants, or by growing it from seed which can take several months before germination will occur. Additionally, when growing Hoya sp (EPC-858) aff latifolia indoors, it is important to provide adequate humidity as this species does best with a relative humidity level above 50%.


  • Bright, indirect light
  • Temperature range 65-80 degrees F
  • Humidity range 40-60%
  • Water when dry
  • Well-draining coarse soil
  • Fertilizing during the growing season

Hoya sp. (EPC-858) aff. latifolia Care Detail

Light Requirements:

  • Hoya sp. (EPC-858) aff. latifolia is an evergreen perennial that requires bright, indirect light for optimal growth. 
  • This species does not require direct sunlight, but can tolerate some shade. For maximum growth, this plant should be placed in a location where it receives at least four hours of bright light per day.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Ideal temperatures for this species are between 65°F and 80°F (18°C - 27°C). Temperatures outside of this range can be detrimental to its health, and any significant deviation from these ideal conditions should be immediately addressed. 
  • In addition, changes in temperature caused by seasonal fluctuations or environmental conditions should be managed by providing adequate protection from extreme temperatures. This helps ensure that the plant receives the optimal level of care necessary for healthy growth and development.
  • This species also prefers a consistent temperature throughout the day/night cycle; sudden fluctuations in temperature can cause stunted growth, leaf drop, or flower loss due to stress on the plant. It is therefore essential to maintain a steady temperature within its optimal range at all times in order to ensure successful cultivation. 
  • Additionally, when introducing Hoya sp. (EPC-858) aff. latifolia into a new environment, it is important to slowly acclimate it to the new temperature over several days before full exposure is granted; doing so will help minimize stress on the plant as it adjusts to its new environment.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Humidity requirements for Hoya sp. (EPC-858) aff. latifolia are essential for the health and proper growth of this species of plant. This species prefers a humid environment, with an average humidity level between 40%-60%. For optimal growth, it is recommended that the humidity levels remain within this range to prevent any potential issues with the plant's health.
  • When providing a suitable humidity level for Hoya sp. (EPC-858) aff. latifolia, there are several methods that can be employed to ensure that the plant's needs are met:
  • Using a humidifier or misting system
  • Grouping plants together to increase humidity levels
  • Placing the pot on top of a tray filled with pebbles and water
  • Filling a shallow dish with water and placing near your plants
  • These methods provide easy solutions for increasing the humidity levels in any environment where Hoya sp. (EPC-858) aff. latifolia is being grown, allowing anyone to create an environment where these plants can thrive.

Watering Requirements:

  • The optimal amount of water for this plant is generally about once a week, but it can vary depending on the environment and the season. It is important to keep in mind that this plant does not tolerate drought conditions well and will suffer if left dry for too long.
  • If the roots are sitting in soggy soil for extended periods of time, they may become stressed and prone to disease or death. It is important to check the soil moisture levels before watering to make sure that the plant has adequate hydration without becoming overly saturated.
  • When adequately watered, Hoya sp. (EPC-858) aff. latifolia will thrive in most environments and will reward its owners with beautiful foliage and blooms year round when cared for properly. To ensure healthy growth, it is best practice to monitor the soil moisture levels regularly and adjust accordingly based on seasonal changes in temperature or humidity levels in your area.

Soil Requirements:

  • Hoya sp. (EPC-858) aff. latifolia is an epiphytic plant, which means it does not require rich soil to grow and thrive. Instead, it prefers a well-draining, light-textured soil with aeration to support its root system. 
  • The ideal mix should be two parts peat moss to one part perlite or coarse sand. 
  • To ensure the best chance of success and healthy growth, it is important to provide the right mixture of nutrients: a balanced amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Additionally, the pH level should be kept between 5.0 and 6.5—any higher may cause nutrient deficiency in the soil and stunt growth of the plant.
  • Hoya sp. (EPC-858) aff. latifolia requires careful consideration when choosing an appropriate substrate in order to ensure successful establishment and long-term health of the plant; selecting a mixture that provides good air circulation as well as balanced nutrition will promote strong growth with minimal maintenance over time.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • A balanced fertilizer should be applied to the soil once every two months during the growing season or when new growth appears. 
  • It is important to use one that is specifically formulated for tropical plants in order to ensure sufficient nutrition while avoiding any potential nutrient deficiencies. Additionally, organic matter can be added to the soil at this time as well as additional fertilizer applications throughout the year if desired. 
  • Fertilization should be done carefully so as not to overfeed or burn the plant with too much fertilizer; this can cause leaf discoloration or wilting leaves due to nutrient deficiency or toxicity caused by an imbalance of essential nutrients. 
  • As always when caring for plants, it is important to read directions on any product being used before applying it and adjust application rates accordingly so as not to harm your plant in any way.


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