Hoya sp. Vietnam AH-001

Hoya Sp. Vietnam AH-001

Hoya sp. Vietnam AH-001 is a cross between Hoya finlaysonii and Hoya deykeae. This particular hybrid features very large leaves that are splashed with lighter-coloured variegation. The leaves are shiny and have prominent venation patterns.


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Scientific name: Hoya Finlaysonii x Hoya Deykeae

Common names: Wax plant, porcelain flower, waxvine

Origin: N/A

Flower colour: N/A

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya sp. Vietnam AH-001

Rarer hoyas like the Hoya sp. Vietnam AH-001 are not as easygoing as other hoyas. While the care requirements may often be the same, these hoyas are exacting in their demands and respond to the slightest change in temperature, watering, or humidity levels.


  • Bright indirect light 
  • Temperature range 15 ° C - 35 ° C
  • Humidity range 40%-65%
  • Well-draining coarse soil 
  • Less watering
  • Fertilizing with organic fertilizer during the growing season.

Hoya sp. Vietnam AH-001 Detail

Light Requirements:

  • Hoya sp. Vietnam AH-001 does best in filtered sunlight. Because "dappled shade" typically refers to light that is filtered through trees, recreating this effect inside is more challenging.
  • Light levels as low as those found indoors or in medium, indirect light will be fine. 
  • It functions well in fluorescent lighting, which you can use if you do not get adequate natural light.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Hoya sp. Vietnam AH-001 is one of those hoyas that thrive best in an average temperature range, between 25-35 degrees C. 
  • During the colder months, it is recommended to place your hoya on a heating pad and use warm lights. This hoya responds very quickly to changes in temperature. 
  • Place your hoya where there are no sudden drops in temperatures or circulating cold drafts. It starts to drop leaves quickly if so.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Hoya sp. Vietnam AH-001 cannot flourish without sufficient humidity. In order to raise the relative humidity in a space with houseplants, a humidifier is a simple and effective solution.
  • The ideal range is between 40 and 60%. Put a gravel-filled drainage tray under the container to achieve this. Be careful not to fill the pot all the way to the top with water. Keep it close to your hoya to increase humidity.
  • Use a humidifier to keep the air humidity where it should be, between 30 and 50 percent.

Watering Requirements:

  • Water is essential because the Hoya sp. Vietnam AH-001, unlike other Hoyas, does not store large amounts of moisture in its leaves. The plant has some remaining water storage capacity, but its foliage is much smaller and thinner than it once was.
  • The Hoya sp. Vietnam AH-001 cannot afford to run completely dry because of its meagre water supply. It can be very thirsty during the growing season.
  • After the top inch of soil (2.5cm) dries out, give your plant a good soaking until water runs out of the drainage hole. The risk of mineral-salt buildup caused by fertilising is mitigated by deep watering, which also promotes healthy root growth.
  • In the winter, this method of watering reduces how often you need to water. Your plant will require less water during the winter because it will grow more slowly and then go dormant.

Soil Requirements:

  • Hoya sp. Vietnam AH-001 thrives in organically rich, well-drained soils.
  • Hoyas require very specific potting soil conditions to thrive. Commercial blends that are too generic tend to retain too much water, leading to root rot.
  • However, it requires adequate water to prevent leaf drop. Finding that balance can be tricky, but the following are some possible approaches:
  • This plant should thrive in a soilless mixture of equal parts perlite, bark, and indoor plant potting mix, or just lots of perlites.
  • Combining equal parts of sand, perlite, and orchid potting mix yields the desired result.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Hoya sp. Vietnam AH-001 only needs a little fertiliser. 
  • Fertilize once a month during the growing season with a general houseplant fertiliser diluted to half strength (spring and summer).
  • Do not fertilize in the fall or winter, when the plant is dormant. When your plant is in this state, growth is either slow or nonexistent. If you over-fertilize, your plant will suffer.
  • Overfertilization can cause salt buildup, which manifests as a white crust on the soil's surface. In this case, water your plant with room temperature water.


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