Hoya 'Swiffer's Tail' RHM-022

Hoya "Swiffers Tail" RHM 022

Hoya "Swiffers Tail" RHM 022 is a hybrid hoya created by Hoya specialist Ric Morier. This hybrid is a cross between Hoya Fungii and Hoya Motoskii. The plant was named after Morier's cat Swiffer.

Although the Hoya "Swiffers Tail" RHM 022 may look similar to a Hoya Compacta, its individual leaves grow much larger and exhibit many characteristics, such as slightly curled edges and dimples. The flower clusters are reminiscent of hoya carnosa, with white to pale pink petals in a ball and a red corona surrounding a yellow star at the centre.


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Scientific name: Hoya "Swiffers Tail" RHM 022

Common names: Hoya "Swiffers Tail" 

Origin: Hybrid.

Flower colour: Pale pink with deep pink centers

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya "Swiffers Tail"?

Given adequate light and its required conditions, Hoya Swiffer’s Tail tends to thrive well and mature faster.


  • Bright, indirect light
  • Temperature range 60-80 degrees F
  • Humidity range 40-60%
  • Water when dry
  • Well-draining coarse soil
  • Fertilizing during the growing season.

Hoya "Swiffers Tail" Care Detail

Light Requirements:

  • In general, the Hoya Swiffer's Tail prefers strong illumination. But it can't take anything that would burn its leaves, like direct sunlight.
  • However, it can also survive in low light conditions, making indoor care a good option. On the other hand, its development will be stunted in places with less light or no light at all.
  • Windows facing east, west, or south are all great options because they allow for prolonged exposure to the sun.
  • The east will provide soft morning sunlight if you just place it near a window. You should definitely protect it from the hot afternoon sun that comes in from the west and south.
  • You can also use bright fluorescent lighting to keep it content. Even though spending more time in this setting is undesirable, it is unavoidable due to the limitations of artificial lighting. Between twelve and sixteen hours of sleep per day is ideal.

Temperature Requirements:

  • The Hoya Swiffer's Tail is best cared for in moderate to warm temperatures.
  • It performs best between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, it can stay functional in temperatures as high as 90 degrees.
  • The optimal temperature for its growth (and comfort) is 70 degrees.
  • Like other hoyas, it was likely native to the tropics and subtropics. Therefore, it cannot stand being exposed to sub-zero temperatures.
  • It should not be exposed to temperatures lower than 50 degrees, as the plant will show signs of stress if kept there. Additionally, the colder it becomes, the more damage it takes and the longer it takes to heal.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Hoya Swiffer's Tail prefers average to humid environments, ideally between 40% and 60%, while many other houseplants prefer levels to run above 60%.
  • Nevertheless, the typical indoor humidity is between 30% and 50%. It's possible, especially if you live in a dry region, to get to 15% or even 10%. That's why it's so important to keep track of the humidity level in your home.
  • If you want to know exactly how much moisture is in the air, a digital hygrometer is what you need. This is a convenient way to monitor the relative humidity of any room.
  • Here are some ways to increase the humidity in the plant's environment.
  • Two or three weekly mistings
  • It should be placed in a water tray atop some rocks.
  • Organize a group of plants together.
  • Put a humidifier to use.

Watering Requirements:

  • The watering needs of Hoya Swiffer's Tail are typical. That's why it's important to exercise caution and avoid drowning it in water.
  • During the growing seasons of spring and summer, it cannot survive in soil that is too wet, soggy, or waterlogged. During these times, it does require a fair amount of watering.
  • The soil should be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings. Taking a look at the soil before you water is the best way to ensure this is happening. If the top inch or two of soil is dry, add water (this takes about 15 minutes). Since this is the case, the soil won't dry out.
  • It's important to keep the soil moist, but not soaked, to prevent problems like root rot caused by bacteria and fungi.
  • Fall and winter are the seasons when you should cut back on your water use. Drying soil takes a lot longer in the colder weather of this season. So, let the ground dry out even more.

Soil Requirements:

  • The Hoya Swiffer's Tail is susceptible to overwatering and thus needs soil that is light, airy, and well-draining.

  • When filling a container, make sure the holes in the bottom are properly positioned for drainage. As a result, any standing water won't be able to seep to the bottom of the container.

  • If you're looking for a commercially available blend, try one of the following.
  • Orchid bark
  • African violet potting mix
  • You can also use regular potting soil that you already have at home. Add perlite, though, and things will drain better.
  • Try to avoid using sand if at all possible. It's true that sand aids in drainage, but it also compacts over time. The fact that hoyas don't need regular repotting means this can become an issue over time. It's less of an issue if you repot annually.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Only in the spring and summer should you give your Hoya Swiffer's Tail any food. It's in a growing phase now, so give it some extra TLC by providing it with sunshine, water, and fertiliser.
  • You shouldn't feed it in the fall and winter because it's done growing for the year.
  • Water-soluble fertiliser should be applied once a month at a half strength concentration. Formulations with N-P-K ratios of 2-1-2 and 3-1-2 are also very effective.
  • The latter two choices are best if you want to promote increased growth of foliage. Or if you find that the plant isn't putting out enough or big enough leaves.
  • If you notice that your plant is not flowering as much as you would like, try switching to a 5-10-5 mixture. Due to its higher phosphorus content, this variety is more likely to bloom. You should get started around two months before the expected flowering time.
  • Reduce the amount of fertiliser you use. Hoya Swiffer's Tail does not have a large appetite. In addition, the plant's shallow root system cannot tolerate an excessive amount of fertilizer's chemical residue.
  • It is recommended to flush the soil once every few months to avoid a buildup of excess fertiliser salts.


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