Hoya undulata

Hoya Undulata

Hoya undulata, which is only endemic to the Kalimantan region of Borneo, was first described in 2015. At the height of about 350 meters, it resides in lowland heath forests. Its name derives from the undulating leaf margins. Only this Hoya and Hoya griffithii have two hooked appendages on the corona lobes.

Hoya undulata is a difficult plant to grow, and as such, it is only recommended for plant enthusiasts. The leaves are a dark green color with wavy edges, which turn a dark red when exposed to direct sunlight or too much LED exposure. 

The blooms of the Hoya undulata take the shape of a spiky umbel, with fleshy pink flowers that have mottled white and pink corollas


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Scientific name: Hoya undulata

Common names: Wax plant, porcelain flower, waxvine

Origin: Australia, India, and parts of southern China.

Flower colour: White to pink 

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care For

Hoya undulata

Despite having the same care requirements as other hoyas, Hoya undulatais a finicky plant to grow. However, semi-arid conditions and well-draining soil are a must. This hoya prefers somewhat less light than other hoyas.


  • Indirect light
  • Temperatures above 75 degrees F
  • Semi-arid conditions
  • Humidity levels above 60%
  • Well-draining soil
  • Organic fertilizing during the growing season

Hoya undulata Detail

Light Requirements:

  • Unlike other hoyas, Hoya undulata does not do well in bright indirect light. It tends to prefer slightly dense shade. 
  • You can place your hoya away from windows that have full sunlight falling on them. Choose a shady nook in your house that has ambient light, not totally dark nor very bright. 
  • If you are using LED grow lights, you should know that Hoya undulata burns very easily, even under LED lights. Limit exposure to only a few hours every day.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Hoya undulata is extremely sensitive to cold; temperatures above 75 degrees F are ideally suited for its growth. 
  • Grow your plant on top of a heating pad so that the soil and its roots remain warm. 
  • Additionally, ensure that your hoya is kept safe from sudden dips in temperature and cold drafts.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Hoya undulata likes humidity levels above 60%, which can be a bit difficult to achieve. 
  • Since this is a finicky plant, it is recommended to make use of a humidifier to keep the humidity range maintained. 
  • Humidity domes should be used if your Hoya is not established.

Watering Requirements:

  • All hoyas typically prefer dry conditions and do not like to be watered frequently. Your hoya must, however, be kept from drying out.
  • When the soil is dry or once every two weeks, water your hoya.
  • The finger test can be used to determine whether or not the soil is dry. It's time to water if your finger's top digit comes up dry when inserted into the potting soil.
  • Always use warm water to water your hoya; use a long-spouted watering instrument so that the soil is not disturbed.

Soil Requirements:

  • All hoyas require aerated, well-draining soil. They struggle in soils that are too compact, clayey, and moisture-retentive. The root rot that can be caused by too much moisture in the soil is easily avoidable by selecting airy soil.
  • To make your own potting mix, combine regular potting mix with some sand, perlite, and sphagnum moss.
  • If you're unsure, you can always purchase orchid potting soil and add coconut coir or moss to it to make it more supple.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Rare hoyas grow slowly and do not consume a lot of food. It is sufficient to fertilise with a multipurpose fertiliser once a month. Make sure it is first diluted to half-strength.
  • To ensure healthy foliage, a fertiliser with a high nitrogen content is sufficient.
  • Change to a feed that contains a high-phosphorus 5:10:3 ratio if the plant is in bloom. Throughout the growing season, phosphorus promotes blooming.


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