Hoya walliniana UT-152

Hoya Walliniana UT-152

Hoya walliniana UT-152 is a rare cultivar of Hoya walliana, which is native to Borneo (Sabah and Sarawak) and grows in lowland forests where it is common in extremely wet environments. The plant is named after Swedish Hoya collector Pierre Wallin.

This particular hoya features obovate, semi-succulent leaves. These leaves are sap green in color with random silvery speckles. When stressed by the sun, the leaves develop a prominent reddish coloration. The veins of the leaf are slightly prominent on the underside of the leaf. 


The flowers of the UT-152 are fuzzy, roundish discs growing from a spur. The flowers have a slight pentagon shape, with narrow corollas and wide maroon coronas with yellow centers.


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Scientific name: Hoya walliniana UT-152

Common names: Wax plant, porcelain flower, waxvine

Origin: Borneo

Flower colour: Cream corollas with maroon coronas

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya walliniana UT-152

Maintain the plant in a well-lit area. If you want it to bloom, it prefers medium to bright indirect light. To increase the likelihood of flowering, keep it slightly root-bound, in high humidity, and fertilized with orchid fertilizer. As it is prone to root rot, avoid overwatering.


  • Indirect medium to bright light
  • Temperature range from 65 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit, no lower than 55 degrees F. 
  • Humidity range above 50 %
  • Less watering
  • Coarse well-draining substrate
  • Fertilizing during the growing season

Hoya walliniana UT-152 Detail

Light Requirements:

  • This Hoya walliniana plant does best in indirect, medium to bright light. As a result, it is able to flourish and bear an abundance of leaves.
  • The leaves of the Hoya walliniana, like those of the Hoya sipitangensis, change colour from green to reddish-purple in response to too much exposure to sunlight.
  • Many growers intentionally expose their plants to slightly higher light levels to achieve this beautiful effect.
  • On the other hand, it can't stand being exposed to too much sunlight, especially during the hottest parts of the day. Avoid placing it next to a south-facing window.
  • The ideal outdoor growing conditions for the plant involve partial or semi-shade. Stay out of direct sunlight.
  • The leaves can be scorched by the sun if it is exposed to it for too long. Although the plant will live through this, the result will be an unsightly vine with brown, burnt leaves.

Temperature Requirements:

  • This plant thrives in hotter temperatures. The ideal temperature range is from about 65 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Unfortunately, the Hoya walliniana has a low tolerance for cold. When temperatures drop below about 55 degrees Fahrenheit, it starts to have issues.
  • Use heating pads and warm grow lights to keep your plant healthy during the winters. 
  • Avoid placing your plant in areas that are prone to cold drafts.

Humidity Requirements:

  • The Hoya walliniana has delicate leaves in comparison to other hoya species. Because of this, it cannot retain moisture in its leaves. As a result, it has a lower tolerance for dry conditions than other hoyas.
  • As a result, it's recommended that you keep the humidity at or above 50% at all times.
  • When the humidity is too low, the leaves wilt and turn brown at the edges.
  • In order to keep the plant alive in low-humidity conditions, misting it frequently is recommended. However, don't go overboard, as drenching the leaves will only encourage fungal growth.
  • However, a pebble tray or humidity tray is a better option if you're constantly on the go.

Watering Requirements:

  • Hoya walliniana UT-152 prefers consistently moist soil. It cannot, however, tolerate wet, soggy soil. As a result, avoid overwatering or watering too frequently.
  • Because the plant is an epiphyte, its roots are not designed to withstand excessive moisture. And if you leave them wet for an extended period of time, they will suffer.
  • Allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings to avoid this. Before watering again, wait until the top 1-2 inches of soil has dried.
  • Reduce watering during the winter months, but taper off gradually to avoid stressing the plant.

Soil Requirements:

  • The Hoya walliniana requires well-drained, aerated soil. The soil should ideally be light and airy or chunky. It also appreciates nutrient-rich soil. Because the plant's epiphytic roots dislike wet feet, well-draining soil is essential. As a result, it aids in quickly draining excess moisture.
  • Keep the soil pH between 6.1 and 7.3 to allow the plant to absorb nutrients efficiently.
  • This plant responds well to a simple potting mix recipe that combines:
  • 1 cup potting soil
  • 1 part perlite, 1 part coconut coir
  • If you want to use fewer ingredients, try this soil mix recipe instead.
  • 1 cup potting soil
  • 1 pound orchid bark
  • Alternatively, if you prefer to buy your soil from a store rather than getting one ingredient at a time and mixing it at home, you can use any of these two:
  • African violet blend
  • Succulent soil that drains well
  • Either of these will suffice. However, make sure that it is well-draining, as not all succulent soils will drain enough moisture to keep the plant happy.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • Fertilizer is required for a healthy Hoya walliniana plant. This is due to the fact that it requires nutrients in order to grow and flower. With proper care, the plant can become quite bushy.
  • One thing you should avoid is over-fertilizing the plant. The Hoya walliniana is harmed by an excess of plant food. As a result, never do this. Instead, simply follow the directions on the product label.
  • To feed the plant, use a balanced houseplant fertiliser. It only requires plant food in the spring and summer. So, once the summer is over, stop. Then repeat the process the following spring.
  • The plant grows rapidly during the warm months. As a result, this is the time to concentrate your efforts. If you want to encourage flowering, switch to an orchid fertiliser as soon as you notice signs of blooming. This will encourage flowering. It will also help the blooms last longer.
  • Do not fertilize during the winter.


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