Hoya carnosa ˈWilbur Gravesˈ

Hoya Carnosa 'Wilbur Graves'

Hoya carnosa 'Wilbur Graves' is a variant of the Hoya Carnosal. This particular plant features lovely foliage on vining stems, just like the Hoya Carnosa. However, the Wilbur Graves has a lot of tiny silver flecks all over it, like the paint had been splattered on it, which is the biggest distinction between the two.

Because of this, it has a very distinctive appearance and is beautiful to look at. The H. carnosa 'Wilbur Graves' is extremely uncommon. Due to this, finding it is very challenging, even online. And if you do manage to find one, it will cost a lot. 


The inflorescence consists of a number of dangling or more upright flowers arranged in an umbel. Although they can range from near-white to dark pink, the blossoms are often light pink. They appear to be composed of wax and are born in clusters with a star-like shape. The surface of the flower has a fuzzy appearance due to the microscopic hairs that cover it. They may produce extra nectar that drops from the petals and have strong scents.

Hoya carnosa blooms from spurs, just like all other Hoya species. These emerge from the axils of the leaves and stem; they may not bear flowers at first, but eventually, buds will appear from the tips of the spurs. These same spurs generate new flowers every season. Therefore, they shouldn't be harmed or taken away.

The plant blooms from spring to late summer; on the same peduncle, it can produce umbels of 10 to 50 tiny star-shaped flowers that develop gradually over the course of 2 to 3 weeks. Early in the evening is when the aroma is greatest.


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Scientific name: Hoya carnosa ssp

Common names: Wilbur Graves

Origin: Southeast Asia

Flower colour: White to pink 

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae (Asclepiadaceae)

Kingdom: Plantae

Type:Flowering vine

How to care for

Hoya carnosa 'Wilbur Graves'

Given adequate light and its required conditions, Hoya carnosa 'Wilbur Graves' tends to thrive well and mature faster.


  • Bright, indirect light
  • Temperature range 60-80 degrees F
  • Humidity range 40-60%
  • Water when dry
  • Well-draining coarse soil
  • Fertilizing during the growing season.

Hoya carnosa 'Wilbur Graves' Detail

Light Requirements:

  • The H. carnosa 'Wilbur Graves' is a cultivar of the Hoya carnosa, which is something to keep in mind when caring for it. As a result, it resembles the carnosa in a number of ways, including care.
  • One similarity among its leaves is their shapes. Its growth pattern also resembles that of the Hoya carnosa. However, the Hoya carnosa 'Wilbur Graves' does have numerous tiny silver flecks, which cause some of its light preferences to be the same and some to be different.
  • 'Wilbur Graves' prefers bright light, in general. However, it can't stand exposure that would scorch its leaves, like direct sunlight.
  • On the other hand, it can endure low light conditions as well, making indoor care ideal. Less light or dark environments, on the other hand, will hinder its growth.
  • It requires more light than the Hoya carnosa, which has uniformly green leaves, due to its variegation. As a result, windows that face east, west, or south are all excellent locations because they provide long stretches of natural sunlight.
  • Gentle morning sun is provided by the east, and all that is required is that you keep it close to a window. You do need to shield it from the intense afternoon sun in the west and south.
  • To keep it happy, you can also use strong fluorescent lighting. However, since artificial lighting lacks the sun's complete colour spectrum, more time must be spent in this environment. You should get 12 to 16 hours a day, minimum.

Temperature Requirements:

  • The Hoya carnosa 'Wilbur Graves' prefers mild to warm weather, so keep that in mind when taking care of it.
  • The ideal temperature for it is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It can also withstand temperatures up to about 90 degrees.
  • However, it thrives (and feels most comfortable) when the temperature is around 70 degrees.
  • Originally from tropical and subtropical regions, like other hoyas. As a result, it is unaccustomed to freezing temperatures and cannot survive them.
  • This means that you should keep it away from areas with temperatures below 50 degrees, as the plant will start to become stressed in those conditions. And the more damage it endures and eventually suffers, the colder it gets.

Humidity Requirements:

  • Unlike many other houseplants, which prefer levels to run above 60%, H. carnosa 'Wilbur Graves' prefers average to humid environments, ideally between 40% and 60%.
  • Despite this, 30% to 50% humidity is common in homes. You might even reach levels of 15% or even 10% if you reside in a dry area. In that case, it's critical to measure indoor humidity and adjust as necessary.
  • If not, the plant will eventually dry out from a lack of moisture in the air. The edges of its leaves will burn and become crispy to show you this.
  • It is advised that you should purchase a digital hygrometer if you are unsure of the level of humidity in your home. This will always keep you informed of the humidity level in any given space.
  • Here are a few methods for raising the humidity level around the plant.
  • Misting 2 or 3 times per week
  • Put it in a water tray on top of some rocks.
  • Put it with other plants in a group.
  • Employ a humidifier

Watering Requirements:

  • Hoya carnosa 'Wilbur Graves' requires a typical amount of watering. You should be careful not to overwater it as a result.
  • It will not tolerate wet, soggy, or waterlogged soil during the spring and summer when it is actively growing. It does need enough water during these seasons.
  • This means that between waterings, you should let the soil dry out slightly. The best way to achieve this is to always examine the soil before watering. Water if the top 1 to 2 inches feel dry (this takes about 15 minutes). The soil will stay moist as a result.
  • To prevent bacterial and fungal issues, as well as root rot, avoid flooding the soil or leaving it wet.
  • Reduce your water consumption once the weather begins to cool off in the fall and become colder in the winter. The cold weather at this time makes it take a lot longer for the soil to dry. You should therefore let the soil dry out even more.

Soil Requirements:

  • The Hoya carnosa 'Wilbur Graves' requires light, airy, and well-draining soil because it can be vulnerable to overwatering. 
  • Remember to pay attention to the drainage holes in the container's bottom. This will enable water to escape and prevent the excess moisture from collecting at the pot's base.
  • Consider any of the following if a commercial mix is what you prefer.
  • Orchid soil mix
  • African violet soil mix
  • If you already have a regular potting mix at home, you can use that as well. However, add perlite to improve drainage.
  • If you can, do not use sand. Sand does help with drainage, but over time it also becomes compacted. Hoyas don't require routine repotting, so this can develop into a problem over time. If you repot every year, it is less so.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • You should only feed your Hoya carnosa 'Wilbur Graves' in the spring and summer. It is actively growing at this time and will require additional nutrition (sunlight, water, and fertiliser) to grow and encourage flowering.
  • As it rests after all the growing it did in the previous seasons, you don't need to feed it during the fall and winter.
  • Once a month, use a water-soluble fertiliser that has been diluted to half-strength. 2-1-2 and 3-1-2 N-P-K formulations also work really well. 
  • If you want to encourage more foliage growth, the latter two options are ideal. Or if you notice that the plant isn't yielding sufficient or sizable leaves.
  • You can switch to a 5-10-5 blend if you discover that the plant is not blooming sufficiently. This variety has a higher phosphorus content, which encourages flowering. You must begin about two months before the anticipated blooming period.
  • Use only a little fertiliser. The Hoya carnosa 'Wilbur Graves' does not consume a lot of food. Additionally, the plant's limited root system won't be able to withstand too much chemical residue from the fertiliser.
  • In order to prevent excess fertiliser salts from building up in the soil over time, it is a good idea to flush the soil every few months.


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