Hoya krohniana black

Hoya Krohniana (Black Leaf)

Hoya krohniana is an epiphytic climbing vine native to the Philipines that features pretty heart-shaped leaves and blossoms that are similar to Hoya lacunosa. These flowers grow in umbels of twelve and give off a sweet scent. The Hoya krohniana was named after the botanist Philip Krohn. 

The Hoya krohniana  has two cultivars that are prized among plant enthusiasts: 

  • (Super Silver)
  • Black leaf

Hoya krohniana Black Leaf

The Hoya krohniana (Black Leaf), is a cultivar of Hoya Krohniana that features pretty heart-shaped leaves that are deep purple and look almost black. Considered a cousin of the Hoya Lacunosa, the Hoya Krohniana Black is rarity among the hoyas.. Given the right conditions, the Hoya krohniana (Black Leaf) puts out small blooms that give off a sweet scent. However, many Hoya krohniana (Black Leaf) do es not bloom indoors, perhaps because they require exacting conditions that need to be maintained well.


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Scientific name: Hoya krohniana

Origin: Philippines

Flower colour: white with lavender tones

Genus: Hoya

Family: Apocynaceae

Kingdom: Plantae

Type: Flowering vine

Common name: (Black Leaf)

Caring for the

Hoya krohniana (Black Leaf)


  • Moderate care
  • High humidity at 60-70%
  • Slightly acidic soil
  • Airy substrate
  • Temperature 50-75 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Coco peat, perlite or African Violet mix

Hoya krohniana (Black Leaf) Care Detail

Light Requirements:

  • Hoya krohniana (Black Leaf) requires indirect, diffused sunlight. 
  • You should cultivate Hoya krohniana in bright, filtered, and indirect sunshine. When growing Hoya krohniana indoors, you should situate the plant about three feet from either the east or west windows.
  • Adequate light ensures that your Hoya krohniana (Black Leaf) will put out flowers during the growing season/
  • If you wish to grow Hoya krohniana under LED lights in the winter, give the plant at least 10 to 12 hours of exposure per day.

Temperature Requirements:

  • Hoya krohniana (Black Leaf) cannot be grown in extremely hot or extremely cold climates. It is not hardy, and the foliage will burn and die if exposed to winter.
  • It can withstand continuous temperatures as low as 10°C (50°F), but anything more than 25°C (77°F) will do it harm.
  • Keep the temperature about 25°C (65°F) during the day. It enjoys a temperature range of 12°C to 18°C (54°F to 64°F) at night.
  • Bring your Hoya indoors before the first frost if you reside in one of the Northern zones where it may be susceptible to chill damage.
  • During the winters, grow it in a heated space or a greenhouse, away from direct cold draughts or hot heater/AC gusts.

Humidity Requirements:

  • The Hoya krohniana (Black Leaf) prefers moderate to high humidity, which can be anywhere between 60% and 80%.
  • Maintaining the proper humidity level is crucial for the H. krohniana since they cannot survive for long in environments with humidity levels that are below ideal. Use of a humidifier, which will assist in maintaining the desired humidity, is one method.
  • If you have them indoors, misting and sponging are advised during the winter. However, avoid keeping the leaves drenched in water because that promotes root and leaf rot.

Watering Requirements:

  • The Hoya krohniana is a native of humid, warm woods in Asia. Despite its succulence, this species prefers a very damp environment. But excessive moisture might cause root rot before you even realize it.
  • The soil mixture is the key to correctly watering Hoya krohniana (Black Leaf) plants. If your soil mix does not retain water excessively, you can water frequently by utilizing the topsoil test, which involves letting the top two inches of soil entirely dry out.
  • The roots of your H. krohniana plant could rot out if your potting combination has a tendency to retain a lot of water, as is the case with too peaty mixtures.
  • You can water your plants more frequently during the growing season, such as two to three times each week. 
  • Reduce watering to once every two weeks and use lukewarm water if you live in a colder climate.
  • Whenever possible, collect rainwater for use in watering

Soil Requirements:

  • The Hoya krohniana (Black Leaf) appreciates being potted in a rough substrate with good drainage. In its natural environment, it develops on the outside of a plant or tree and obtains nutrients from the air, water, rain, or accumulated detritus.
  • You can mix your own potting soil from a peat, perlite, and orchid mix potting mixture (fir bark, charcoal, and perlite). This will produce a significantly more airy substrate and conducive to Hoya krohniana growth. Perlite drains better than peat at retaining moisture. To properly care for Hoya krohniana, the proper balance is required.
  • Epiphytes frequently prefer soil that is either neutral or somewhat acidic. Don't worry about it though, as soil acidity fluctuates over time.
  • The soil will always have acidity if peat-based materials are used. Use garden compost if you have it, but make sure it's sterile before using it. Another acidity trick is rainwater.

Fertilizing Requirements:

  • You may pick up an organic orchid fertilizer (slightly higher in phosphorus) from your neighbourhood store as part of your bimonthly Hoya krohniana (Black Leaf) care regimen.
  • Use a liquid formulation if possible; it is simpler to administer. This should only be used during the growth season and is solely intended to increase blooms.
  • In the winter, you must stop feeding the plant. The sole focus of winter Hoya krohniana (Black Leaf) care must be moisture control.
  • You won't have to worry as much about overfeeding or dangerous salt buildup if you avoid chemicals.


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